
Cъбития Lexington, Съединени американски щати 2023

8 events

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We are expanding into a multi-category market showcasing footwear, apparel, accessories, uniforms, workwear, jewelry, and gifts. Visit our showcase room for trending top-sellers and buyer relaxation. No Cash & Carry or sample sales during market hours.
Experience the Bridal Bliss Summer Classic at the Embassy Suites Lexington/UK Coldstream from 12-4pm. Join over 100 wedding professionals, indulge in cake tastings, meet photographers, smell flowers, and explore a variety of wedding essentials. Admission is free, so bring your planning helpers and don't forget to check out our galleries for gowns, florals, and cakes.
The workshop will include discussions on soil health and fertility, overseeding warm season perennial pasture with cool season annuals, farm safety, and a demonstration on sprayer calibration.
The Kentucky Academy of Audiology is hosting a conference where industry leaders, innovators, and experts will share knowledge and experiences. Attendees can learn about the latest trends, gain insights, and network. Submit oral abstracts for the Annual Conference at the Central Bank Center in Lexington, KY. Notification of acceptance will be sent.
The American front porch serves as a gathering place for loved ones. The Athens Schoolhouse Antiques Show provides vintage decor, furniture, and collectibles for distinctive decorating options. Transform antiques and salvage into exclusive decorations.
The event is focused on wood industry"The Kentucky Wood Expo, ranked as a top 10 event by the Tourism Council, is returning to Masterson Station Park. Celebrating 40 years, the event will showcase wood processing equipment and educational displays. Landowner and logger education classes will also be available.
Реклама, Маркетинг, Печат Селско стопанство Архитектура Красота, Мода, Дрехи, Козметика Бизнес, финанси, банкиране Култура, Изкуства Дизайн, Подаръци, Мебели Електроника, Електрически стоки Храни, напитки, опаковки Здравеопазване, Фармация Хоби, Занаяти Хотели, Ресторанти, Кетъринг ИТ, електронна търговия Бижута, Луксозни стоки Деца, играчки Кино, театър, телевизия Музика, танци Други Личностно развитие, Психология Недвижими имоти, инвестиции Безопасност Наука, образование, изобретения Общество, Политика Транспорт, Логистика Пътуване, развлечения, свободно време, спорт Химическа промишленост, пластмаса и каучук Потребителски панаири Енергоспестяване, Опазване на околната среда, Екология, Пречистване, Оползотворяване Събитийна индустрия Промишлено оборудване, инструменти, електроника Машиностроене, Металургия, Металообработване, Заваряване Многосекторни събития Нефт, газ, минно дело Онлайн търговски изложения Енергия, енергетика Топ събития