
Cъбития New orleans, United states Септември 2023

11 events

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AAHOA and our membership sincerely appreciate the ongoing support and generous contributions of our Industry Partners, which greatly benefit the association and the industry as a whole.
The E-Scrap Conference are excited to converge again in 2023! Join over 1,200 electronics sustainability leaders to: Connect with leaders in recycling, repair, ITAD, metal trading, processing equipment and more. Hear the latest analysis on markets for precious metals, downstream trends, exports and more. Gain practical tools and information to boost profitability at your e-scrap or e-reuse operation. Participate in Mobile Repair Day, a special new event focused on tools, techniques and more!
The Electronics Reuse Conference at Sheraton New Orleans Hotel will focus on building business relationships, discussing best practices, and learning new techniques for efficient and cost-effective electronics refurbishing and recycling.
Selerant's upcoming User Conference will take place at the Royal Sonesta in the vibrant French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana. With a majority of shoppers relying on the Internet for product information, brands must prioritize transparency to stay competitive. Join us at our next User Conference at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in New Orleans where conference sessions will address business challenges, share PLM best practices, discuss future roadmaps, and provide networking opportunities. Customer presenters will receive complimentary tickets and there is a special "3 for the price of 2" attendee deal available - speak to your account representative for more details.
Telemedicine is rapidly transforming healthcare, improving access to high-quality, patient-centric care while reducing costs. Over 70% of US hospitals now offer telehealth programs, which have been shown to enhance outcomes and patient satisfaction while reducing hospitalizations, readmissions, and mortality rates.
Реклама, Маркетинг, Печат Селско стопанство Архитектура Красота, Мода, Дрехи, Козметика Бизнес, финанси, банкиране Култура, Изкуства Дизайн, Подаръци, Мебели Електроника, Електрически стоки Храни, напитки, опаковки Здравеопазване, Фармация Хоби, Занаяти Хотели, Ресторанти, Кетъринг ИТ, електронна търговия Бижута, Луксозни стоки Деца, играчки Кино, театър, телевизия Музика, танци Други Личностно развитие, Психология Недвижими имоти, инвестиции Безопасност Наука, образование, изобретения Общество, Политика Транспорт, Логистика Пътуване, развлечения, свободно време, спорт Химическа промишленост, пластмаса и каучук Потребителски панаири Енергоспестяване, Опазване на околната среда, Екология, Пречистване, Оползотворяване Събитийна индустрия Промишлено оборудване, инструменти, електроника Машиностроене, Металургия, Металообработване, Заваряване Многосекторни събития Нефт, газ, минно дело Онлайн търговски изложения Енергия, енергетика Топ събития