Discover the latest trends in the beauty industry at Poland's largest trade fair, organized by Health and Beauty Media. The BEAUTY FORUM & HAIR trade fair offers a comprehensive range of exhibits and is tailored to the needs of professionals, students, and investors. Thematic zones include Classic and Apparatus Cosmetics, Podiatry, Nails and Eyelashes, Hairdressing and Barbering, and a new Beauty Industry zone. Visitors can benefit from informative talks by industry experts.
The 15th edition of the Packaging Innovations Fair will open a range of new opportunities for you. Packaging Innovations means specific business meetings, an interesting product offer, numerous innovations and a rich accompanying program. This year we focus on ecology, smart packaging and design.
Attend a nearby event to experience the latest technology, learn about Dell Technologies' practical uses, and participate in technical workshops.
Warsaw, Poland will host the 2023 ICCO Global Summit, themed "Identity, Influence and Innovation", exploring PR in the age of AI and geopolitical shifts. Join international experts for two days of networking, discussion, and insight, culminating in a gala dinner.
"Poland Shoes Expo - International Fair Covering Whole Shoes Industry in Poland"The entire industry in one location at one time! See thousands of dazzling products unrivaled in terms of quality and variety. Connect with suppliers from around the world and discover the latest trends. Open yourself to new business opportunities and establish cooperation with a wide profile of participants. Participants are also associations, federations and designers operating in the industry.
The fair will be devoted to a wide presentation of all types of investment properties: condo hotels, apart hotels, year-round houses, micro-apartments, plots of land...
The Global Defence Helicopter (GDH) meeting will be held in Warsaw, Poland. It aims to address current challenges faced by NATO, such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine and terrorism. The meeting will also promote dialogue and cooperation in the Asia Pacific region. Rotary wing aviation, both crewed and uncrewed, is crucial for addressing these security challenges. Warsaw, located in the heart of NATO's response to Russian posturing, is an ideal location for the event. With over 600 military helicopter professionals attending, it will be the largest gathering of its kind in Europe.
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Енергия, енергетика
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