The IEEE International Conference on Digital Futures and Transformative Technologies (ICoDT2) aims to be a leading global platform for sharing knowledge and advancements in Intelligence Systems theory, methodology, and applications. It seeks significant contributions from academia and industry, fostering collaboration and innovation.
The International Conference on Women Development in Engineering Science & Technology (WD-EST) aims to bring together researchers, academicians, industry professionals, and students from around the world to discuss and share their knowledge, research findings, and experiences in promoting the development of women in the fields of engineering, science, and technology. It is believed that WD-EST will play an important role in advancing the cause of gender equality and promoting the full participation of women in the fields of engineering, science, and technology.
International Conference on Rehabilitation Sciences aims to bring eminent and leading academic scientists, researchers, and scholars to exchange and share hands-on experiences and research outcomes regarding all aspects of Rehabilitation Sciences along with a discussion on the real- world challenges and different perspectives to resolve them.