
Онлайн Дизайн, Подаръци, Мебели Швейцария 2023

3 events

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Benefit from 160 exhibitors, you can receive information on housing, house and garden and simplify the construction and design of the home. This year we will show you interesting special areas, green oasis, you feel pampered with delicacies and let the spring.
BAUEN+WOHNEN setzt Akzente Energiebewusst bauen, gesund wohnen und geniessen. In sechs Hallen und einem grossen Freigelände erfahren Sie für Ihr persönliches Projekt alles Wissenswerte zum Planen, Kaufen, Modernisieren und Einrichten. 300 Aussteller zeigen Neuheiten und Trends. Im Aargau und im angrenzenden Kanton Zürich gibt es keine vergleichbare Messe.
What matters when building or renovating, shows the popular public-exhibition BUILD HOUSING + again in all its diversity on the Lucerne Allmend. It is aimed at homeowners, prospective clients, architects and planners as well as the whole family, which tips and lifestyle trends in construction, residential, want to track down the garden and spa. A building renewal comfortable, energy-saving and pollution-free, to fulfill a garden or terrace request, the bathroom or new kitchen plan wisely - they are 300 exhibitors experts in their field, observe trends, know the product innovations and visitors ensure that expert advice. Look forward to four exciting days of the show in the fall. Nowhere else in Central Switzerland are quality, price and service in an area of ​​000 m2, 16 'so concentrated and easily comparable, as in the fair BUILD HOUSING + in Lucerne.