30 Aug 2023
Rooms are available for single or double occupancy at a group rate of $179/night plus taxes. There is a mandatory hotel fee of $15.00 per room, per night. This rate is valid for three days before and after the conference, subject to availability. Make your reservation early to stay at the event hotel. The conference will start with the Essentials of Design-Build - A Deeper Dive and Forums for Owners and Practitioners, followed by a full day of educational sessions for both Owners and practitioners.
31 Aug 2023
Real Estate Lending Compliance offers a comprehensive guide on real estate lending requirements, including regulations, policy suggestions, employee training tips, audit techniques, and steps to address past issues. It focuses on coverage and exemption rules, necessary disclosures, and prohibited acts.
Werbung, Marketing, Druck
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Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Bankwesen
Kultur, Kunst
Design, Geschenke, Möbel
Elektronik, Elektroartikel
Lebensmittel, Getränke, Verpackungen
Gesundheitswesen, Apotheke
Hobby, Handwerk
Hotellerie, Gastronomie, Catering
IT, E-Commerce
Schmuck, Luxusgüter
Kinder, Spielzeug
Kino, Theater, Fernsehen
Musik, Tanz
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Psychologie
Immobilien, Investitionen
Wissenschaft, Bildung, Erfindungen
Gesellschaft, Politik
Verkehr, Logistik
Reisen, Unterhaltung, Freizeit, Sport
Chemische Industrie, Kunststoff und Gummi
Energieeinsparung, Umweltschutz, Ökologie, Reinigung, Nutzung
Industrieausrüstung, Werkzeuge, Elektronik
Maschinenbau, Metallurgie, Metallbearbeitung, Schweißen
Branchenübergreifende Veranstaltungen
Öl, Gas, Bergbau
Energie, Energetik