
Veranstaltungen Energie, Energetik Indonesien August 2023

3 events
The International Conference on Biomass and Bioenergy, organized by IPB University and the International Society of Biomass and Bioenergy (ISBB), seeks papers in biomaterials, bioprocess, nanotechnology, and IT/AI in Agriculture. The conference theme is "Journey of Biomass and Bioenergy Research and Development to Achieve Net Zero Emissions.
08 Aug 2023
The Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Water, Environment, Energy, and Information System"The International Conference on Energy, Environment, Epidemiology and Information System (ICENIS) is an annual conference organized by the School of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Diponegoro University, one of the leading universities in Indonesia. The 6th ICENIS brings the theme a€œThe Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Water, Environment, Energy, Information System and Strategies for their Adaptation and Mitigationa€. Due to the situation, our top priority is safety, health, and security for all the participants, the committee has a plan for the virtual conference that will be held on August 4th a€" 5th, 2021. All accepted articles of the 1stA a€" 5thA ICENIS have been published in Advanced Science Letters Vol 23 Number 3 March 2017 pp 2197 - 2635, E3S Web of Conferences Vol 31 (2018) E3S Web of Conferences Vol 73 (2018), E3S Web of Conferences Vol 125 (2019),A  and E3S Web of Conferences Vol 202 (2020), respectively.
The Indo Renergy Expo & Forum is set to exhibit the potential of renewable energy and unite businesses, associations, and government agencies. Globally, renewable energy industries provide 7.7 million jobs, with solar leading the way. The exhibition will include B2B matchmaking to facilitate business meetings.