
Veranstaltungen Wissenschaft, Bildung, Erfindungen Ghana August 2023

3 events

10 Aug 2023
Ghana International Book Fair is an annual event organized to celebrate the rich Ghanaian culture through books. The main goal behind organising the Book Fair is to bring together all Ghanaian and international book industry players to exhibit books, creativity and innovations; explore business opportunities; organise literacy programmes for students; and hold workshops for the book industry to enhance the publishing of quality books.
27 Aug 2023
Mainstreaming TVET for Skills Development, Mobility and Resilient Economies in Africa"The theme of the conference is "Mainstreaming TVET for Skills Development, Mobility and Resilient Economies in Africa". The outcomes of the conference shall enhance TVET stakeholders' sensitivity on the prevailing TVET and economic trends as well as Africa-specific instruments that can be harnessed for the renewal and consolidation of TVET programming in Africa.
27 Aug 2023
This FASEB Science Research Conference (SRC) is focused on the latest imaging techniques and delves into new assays and recent discoveries in the field. The conference will bring together academic and clinical partners from around the world who are focused on engaging researchers from the African continent to discuss emerging technologies on chromosome and cellular imaging.