The International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control (ISCSIC) will take place in Nanjing, China. Organized by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), the conference focuses on various topics including unmanned systems, computer vision, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics. Prominent academicians and researchers will be invited to present and share their work, aiming to create a platform for knowledge transfer and discussions. The conference will feature technical sessions, invited sessions, plenary panel sessions, and keynote addresses.
Bourdieu and cultural capital, Socialization, Bourdieu and cultural capital"2023 Int'l Conference on Sociology of Education (ICSE 2023) will be held during Oct. 27-29, 2023 in Xi'an, China. This Conference will cover issues on Sociology of Education. The aim of ICSE 2023 is to provide a stage for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their latest research results and advanced research methods.