
Veranstaltungen Reisen, Unterhaltung, Freizeit, Sport Schweiz März 2023

2 events
22–26 Mär 2023
Checklist trade show Fair targets - Customer loyalty - New customers - New Products - Exchange of information - Mark presence Define the target group Create budget Performance Plan (stand size, stand shape, design, exhibits) Accompanying measures define advertising - Mailing - Advertisements - Posters - Online Banner - Brochures - Giveaways Booth staff - Internally or externally acquire - Trade Fair Training - Determine the common presence Post-processing - Evaluate customer contact / sales / performance - Customer contact
24–26 Mär 2023
Expo creates an opportunity for exhibitors and visitors to meet many potential partners from around the world at one place.                          Sammler forces                  Hunting and sport clubs                           Weapon            Military clubs             Equipment          Uniform