07 Sep 2023
Join us for our 8th annual conference! Located in Atlanta, GA, the Sex Down South Conference provides sexuality workshops taught by educated and amazing presenters from around the world. Enthusiasts join in the fun and learn from the best - all while doing it in an inclusive and loving environment. As we hope that the COVID-19 pandemic slows its roll, we are taking note as a lot of us have had to deal with mourning the deaths of our loved ones, recovering from COVID-19, and moving into a whole new world full of countless possibilities. As we're moving on the tail of The Great Resignation and into The Great Reimagination, we know that we can't move forward without healing ourselves and restoring our bodies and our work so that we can see the Sexual Revolution as we see fit. This year is about coming together in love (like always) and giving each other the love, healing, and encouragement needed to feel full. Come play with us, be restored and brand new again!
24 Sep 2023
You are cordially invited to attend the Computing in Cardiology conference, taking place in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
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