
Konferenz Gesundheitswesen, Apotheke Frankreich August 2023

7 events
Exploring New Horizons & Advancements in Improving Child Health & Well Being"It is our great pleasure to invite you to take part in the major event 36th World Pediatrics Conference which is mainly focusing on “Exploring New Horizons & Advancements in Improving Child Health & Well Being” which was scheduled on August 07-08, 2023 in Paris, France The main objective of the conference is to bring together Pediatric Scientists, Neonatologists, Pediatric Researchers, Pediatric Nurses, Pediatric Associations and Societies and other specialists to exchange their ideas and knowledge between the different disciplines for facilitating research and clinical interdisciplinary collaborations.
Empowering Women Building the Knowledge Base for Breast Cancer Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatmen"Breast Cancer 2023 Congress in Paris, France has been designed in an interdisciplinary manner with a multitude of tracks to choose from every segment and provides you with a unique opportunity to meet up with peers from both industry and academia and establish a scientific network between them. We cordially invite all concerned people to come join us at our Congress and make it successful by your participation. Breast Cancer 2023 is one of the World's largest Congress on Breast Cancer and Therapies. Radiologists, Radiation Oncologists, Radiation Therapists, Medical Oncologists and Breast Care Nurses along with researchers, educators, administrators, policy makers and students expected to attend the conference. Breast Cancer 2023 promises to be an exciting and rewarding opportunity to learn together.
The Topics in Emergency Medicine conference will cover areas like behavioral sciences as they impact and are affected by the planning, delivery, and monitoring of services inherent in the professions.
Emerging Therapies for Improvement of Epileptic Life""Epilepsy welcomes attendees, participants, students, speakers, organizing committee members, delegates from all over the world. We welcome you and appreciate your participation at the 9th International Conference on Epilepsy & Treatment, which is going to be held during August 09-10, 2023 in Paris, France.
An amassment to bestow astonishing and glowing considerations in Biomedical, Clinical and Biopharma"Welcome back to 7th International Conference on Biomedical, Biopharma and Clinical Research which will be held during August 23-24, 2023 at Paris, France. Biomedical Research 2023 conference will enable to put forth the holistic scientific approach to validate the existing and development of novel biomedical, clinical and biopharma as to better understanding of diseases and diagnosis. The past six conference series of biomedical research conference have grounded the best possible researchers in the field of biomedical, clinical and biopharma from diverse scientific disciplines and so will be the upcoming.