29–30 Okt 2022
We expect a twenty exhibitors, all book professionals. They come from all over France. The offer will be very diverse: old papers, children's books, print books cheap books and scholarly topics, and book collecting rare coins, engravings and illustrations ... All themes will be presented but it is neither a Room authors (no signature) or a living room of new books, with the exception of stand René Rougerie because this show also aims to support independent publishing and activist.
11 Nov 2022
Organized by the association ACDC (Collectors Association of Central Records), this exhibition brings together enthusiasts for 17 years. BD discs and new, used or vintage touch across dozens of stands. There are all styles at all prices and there through all periods of the current CD 78 T through the T and 45 inch 33 rpm, but also comics, Manga, DVDs, videos, magazines, pictures , sheet music, posters and other figurines.
Werbung, Marketing, Druck
Schönheit, Mode, Kleidung, Kosmetik
Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Bankwesen
Kultur, Kunst
Design, Geschenke, Möbel
Elektronik, Elektroartikel
Lebensmittel, Getränke, Verpackungen
Gesundheitswesen, Apotheke
Hobby, Handwerk
Hotellerie, Gastronomie, Catering
IT, E-Commerce
Schmuck, Luxusgüter
Kinder, Spielzeug
Kino, Theater, Fernsehen
Musik, Tanz
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Psychologie
Immobilien, Investitionen
Wissenschaft, Bildung, Erfindungen
Gesellschaft, Politik
Verkehr, Logistik
Reisen, Unterhaltung, Freizeit, Sport
Chemische Industrie, Kunststoff und Gummi
Energieeinsparung, Umweltschutz, Ökologie, Reinigung, Nutzung
Industrieausrüstung, Werkzeuge, Elektronik
Maschinenbau, Metallurgie, Metallbearbeitung, Schweißen
Branchenübergreifende Veranstaltungen
Öl, Gas, Bergbau
Energie, Energetik