
Online Öl, Gas, Bergbau Deutschland Oktober 2022

2 events
Fuel cell technology has been in recent years developed significantly. Not only research and development facilities, but increasingly individual companies in the manufacturing and in services have the opportunities that new technology is discovered. The f-cell symposium of the international meeting of more than 800 participants from over 20 nations from 4 continents on fuel cell. The f-cell forum offers visitors the unique opportunity to learn about the latest developments and new markets in mobile, portable and stationary applications of fuel cells fields. The thematic focus of the Congress in 2012 states: "Mobile Applications - Fuel cells and batteries move forward."
The Conference and Exhibition dedicated exclusively the subject of wastewater and integrated the 5th Swan Auer Fremdwassertag. At the same time also is the 11th VSB Consultants' Association of certified rehabilitation consultant arranged for drainage systems. Accompanied by an ambitious convention program - consisting of two parallel congresses - offers you the latest information ABWASSER.PRAXIS 2010, practice reports, and an ideal platform for your experience.