
Events Halle 2023

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01–02 Jan 2023
The exhibition hall is campusmeetscompanies a career fair for the dialogue between science and industry. Many companies give to all sizes of campusmeetscompanies Hall insight into the various professional fields. The show allows companies to make a lasting impression on future workers behind. In addition, the companies are closer to the front hall campusmeetscompanies in business presentations and lectures to the student audience.
13–14 Jan 2023
With over 10 000 visitors closed on Sunday, the eighth edition of the opportunity in the exhibition hall successfully. That's 18 percent more than last year. "We were able to transfer the significant growth this year our numbers of exhibitors and exhibition space on the number of visitors", says Roland Zwerenz, Managing Director of Messe GmbH, Halle, very happy. "In view of the halving the number of school leavers in the last five years in Saxony-Anhalt, this development is well above our expectations." Many visitors took their chance and applied for on-site for training and jobs. First exhibitors have already registered for the chance signed in 2012. finds from 27 to January 29, 2012 in Hall exhibition
20–22 Jan 2023
The "Destination Germany" is one of the focuses of this year's dar. Forecasts for the development of travel behavior are cause for further optimism and respond, exhibitors and organizers. The "Destination Germany" could come up in 2010 with a record of about 380 million overnight stays, and may render the title "Travel - European Champion" taking claim for themselves, in traditional holiday destinations such as Spain or Italy. The number of trips in Germany will once again increase significantly, for which the local travel industry both capacity as well as the subject is set forth very well. In parallel, again an increase in foreign visitors is recorded.
21–22 Jan 2023
All future bridal couples who want to enter in 2011 the "knot" should be 25 to 27 February notification. Then be opened in the exhibition hall, the wedding - Wedding, anniversary celebration and in conjunction with the Travel, Leisure, Caravan - Saxony-Anhalt vacation and adventure show its doors. This from the wedding will be a real dream wedding, the hall exhibition starts with the Super Sunday raffle her "heart is the key." The main prize awaits the winner of a dream dress in the value of 1000 €. Provided by the bride designer "Everything for the Bride" from Markleeberg.
17–19 Mar 2023
Ladies and Gentlemen, as patron of the SaaleBAU 2011 I invite you again this year to Saxony-Anhalt's largest construction fair one. For over 18 years SaaleBAU combines the technical ability and pioneering innovations under one roof. As an annual showcase of East German construction industry, it is a reliable and successful contact and business platform.