Event type
10 Mar 2023 — 12 Mar 2022
Messe für neue und gebrauchte Boote, Zubehör und Wassersport Die große Wassersportmesse in Mitteldeutschland präsentiert Motorboote, Segelyachten, Kanus, Bootszubehör und Wassersportbekleidung. Von Angeln über Surfen bis Tauchen sind alle Wassersportarten mit den neuesten Trends vertreten. Auch der Funsport kommt nicht zu kurz: Alle Wassersportarten von Angeln über Surfen bis hin zu Tauchen sind mit den neuesten Trends präsent.
26 Mar 2023
The Exhibition and Event Association Magdeburg GmbH is the largest provider for events in Saxony-Anhalt state capital Magdeburg with specialist very different event objects and open-air areas. Venue: AMO, Erich-Weinert-Strasse 27, 39104 Magdeburg The AMO was in the 1950s he built years ago as operating cultural and congress center. Easily accessible in the city center, surrounded by a centuries-old park, the AMO, the setting for meetings, shows, concerts, classical and ballet as well as for rock and pop.
15–16 Apr 2023
Auf der TIERWELT wird fast die gesamte Bandbreite der verschiedenen Heimtierarten dargestellt - von A wie Aquaristik bis Z wie Ziervögel - in den Messehallen und auf dem Freigelände. Der Verkauf von Zubehör und Grundausstattungen bei Anschaffung eines Heimtiers sowie umfassende Beratungsmöglichkeit gehören ebenso zum Ausstellungsangebot. Vorträge und Foren geben Informationen zu Verhalten, Fütterung und Gesundheitsvorsorge für Heimtiere.
01–02 Sep 2023
Construction, Housing, Interior Design - three Begriffedie Everyone knows that Everyone uses and which anyone can start something - in any situation. Everyone wants to have a comfortable home - Whether or rent property. The interest is to build on allenDas own home to buy or rent it and then set up functional and comfortable. This is part of the basic desire of all people. The only question is: How? Certain ideas are there, more or less mature. It needed the concrete suggestion that the pictorial view, to the personal claim to meet each individual.
09 Sep 2023
Advertising, Marketing, Print
Beauty, Fashion, Clothing, Cosmetics
Business, Finances, Banking
Culture, Arts
Design, Gifts, Furniture
Electronics, Electrical goods
Food, Drinks, Packaging
Healthcare, Pharmacy
Hobby, Crafts
Hotels, Restaurants, Catering
IT, E-commerce
Jewelry, Luxury Goods
Kids, toys
Movies, Theatre, TV
Music, Dance
Personal development, Psychology
Real Estate, Investments
Science, Education, Inventions
Society, Politics
Transport, Logistics
Travel, Entertainment, Leisure, Sports
Chemical industry, Plastic and Rubber
Consumer trade fairs
Energy saving, Environment protection, Ecology, Purification, Utilization
Events industry, MICE
Industrial equipment, Tools, Electronics
Machine building, Metallurgy, Metalworking, Welding
Multi-sectoral events
Oil, Gas, Mining
Online trade shows
Power energetics
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