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t is a challenging time for the pharmaceutical industry with generic competition, price restrictions and the US healthcare reforms impacting on current and future revenues. Companies are increasingly turning to their pharmaceutical development departments to get new drugs to market and extend the lifetime of existing products. With the global market for advanced delivery systems amounting to $134.3 billion in 2008, and estimated to reach $196.4 billion in 2014*, it is becoming increasingly evident that new technologies are critical for the future of the pharma industry. Drug Delivery and Formulation will see over 200 industry professionals from across pharmaceutical and biologic formulation and drug delivery disciplines converge to discuss themes including: Formulation strategies for poorly soluble compounds Novel delivery methods for protein and peptide therapeutics Reformulation for product lifecycle extensions Advances in drug delivery devices and the impact on formulations Partnering and out-sourcing to support in-house formulation development The impact of product price restrictions on the investment in novel delivery technologies
Join the inaugural mRNA Analytical Development Summit Europe in Berlin to gain a better understanding of advanced analytical platforms for mRNA therapeutics and vaccines. This industry-dedicated forum showcases critical expertise and the latest techniques in optimised analytics, ensuring the quality, efficacy, and safety of your products. Don't miss this must-attend meeting for Analytical Development, Quality Control, CMC, and Regulatory Experts looking to stay at the forefront of mRNA development.
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