Arrange face-to-face meetings with international developers and real estate agencies. Obtain a complimentary consultation from an impartial specialist. Assess the investment potential of properties, invest funds, and earn a reliable income. Gain insights on immigration, citizenship, and residency permits. Evaluate proposals from various firms and select the most favorable choice.
Invest in foreign real estate, relocate your business, buy an apartment or an apartment and earn passive income - how?Buying real estate in general, and foreign real estate in particular, is a responsible step. Turkey, Dubai, Cyprus, Finland, Georgia - what to choose a Russian buyer today?Before making a final decision, it is important to gather maximum information, carefully approach the choice of object, learn about the nuances of owning real estate in the country of interest and carefully calculate their opportunities and prospects.St. Petersburg buyers and investors have such an opportunity - on September 8-10 within the framework of the St. Petersburg Real Estate Fair there will be a Salon of foreign and resort real estate, where in comfortable conditions it will be possible to compare offers of different companies, get advice from independent experts.In the lecture hall of the exhibition there will be meetings where market experts and representatives of foreign companies wil