Event type
07 Aug 2023
All types of digital marketers are welcome to join us for a two-day event where we will explore the future of search, gain insights from industry experts, and connect with fellow professionals.
21 Aug 2023
A Microsoft 365 Training Conference"Whether you are new to Microsoft 365, SharePoint or Power Platform, or an experienced power user, admin or developer, 365 EduCon has content designed to fit your experience level and area of interest. Our workshops and sessions are taught by Microsoft Certified Trainers, Microsoft MVPs, Microsoft Regional Directors and Microsoft engineers.
21 Aug 2023
The school curriculum prioritizes quality technical training in metering and incorporates new technology perspectives. This course is for metering apprentices and journeymen in the electric utility industry to develop skills through expert lectures and hands-on laboratory training.
28 Aug 2023
This carousel may have automatic sliding. Navigate using the Next/Previous buttons or slide dots. Connect with peers, gain diverse perspectives, and network. Preview the UserTesting and UserZoom platform and strategy, gaining actionable ideas to implement.
Advertising, Marketing, Print
Beauty, Fashion, Clothing, Cosmetics
Business, Finances, Banking
Culture, Arts
Design, Gifts, Furniture
Electronics, Electrical goods
Food, Drinks, Packaging
Healthcare, Pharmacy
Hobby, Crafts
Hotels, Restaurants, Catering
IT, E-commerce
Jewelry, Luxury Goods
Kids, toys
Movies, Theatre, TV
Music, Dance
Personal development, Psychology
Real Estate, Investments
Science, Education, Inventions
Society, Politics
Transport, Logistics
Travel, Entertainment, Leisure, Sports
Chemical industry, Plastic and Rubber
Consumer trade fairs
Energy saving, Environment protection, Ecology, Purification, Utilization
Events industry, MICE
Industrial equipment, Tools, Electronics
Machine building, Metallurgy, Metalworking, Welding
Multi-sectoral events
Oil, Gas, Mining
Online trade shows
Power energetics
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