
Conference Industrial equipment, Tools, Electronics India September 2023

9 events
The Facilities Management Conclave connects Suppliers with quality decision makers, including facility engineers, building owners, property managers, purchasing agents, maintenance personnel, realtors, developers, contractors, architects, and managerial staff members. This Conclave is an excellent way to reach target audiences, with face-to-face interaction with your potential new customers! FM Conclave showcase featuring products and services for maintenance, renovation, modernization and management of commercial, industrial, institutional, income properties and more.
01 Sep 2023
Enter passcode 123456 for career guidance from expert admission counsellors to discover suitable programmes. Lovely Professional University prioritizes community safety during the rapidly changing COVID-19 pandemic. Photos of convocation attendees attached.
04 Sep 2023
Future dredging requirements"India Infrastructure Publishing offers information on India's infrastructure sectors through magazines, conferences, newsletters, and research reports. CDs of conference proceedings are available for Rs 12,500 (US $215) each with courier charges included.
Promotes the latest developments and applications in Additive Manufacturing Technologies"The International Conference on Additive Manufacturing Technology invites manufacturers, service providers, material suppliers, product designers, and software vendors to exhibit their latest technology and products. The event includes an exhibition and technical sessions with industry experts presenting new ideas and developments.
The International Conference on Engineering & Technology in Chandigarh, India aims to foster a sense of community among professionals in the field. It will feature both knowledge dissemination and networking events, as well as opportunities for researchers to present their latest findings. The theme of the conference is "Engineering & Technology".
22 Sep 2023
Organized to highlight the issues and requirement that can be resolved by electronics field ."Conference Overview :International Conference on Electronics and Communication Research Trends (ICECRT) 2023, organized to highlight the issues and requirement that can be resolved by electronics field researcher. Conference is a gathering of scholars, researchers, Professors, Industry experts, etc. so knowledge exchange done. Conference is organize on 22-23 September, 2023. Its going to be a HYBRID event so you can participate In-Person at Bhopal MP, India or Virtually from your home or work.