
Online Culture, Arts May 2023

6 events


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The aim of CRE is to bring together those who support, work with and provide for the church with those who lead and attend churches of all denominations in the UK. It is a place of coming together, to be enriched and equipped, where people resource one another. With over 350 exhibitors and a comprehensive seminar programme addressing a wide range of issues relevant to Christians today, National CRE attracts thousands of Church leaders and other Christians from all denominations, delivering excellent results for the organisations exhibiting there. 'Unprecedented growth' was the mood of the 2008 exhibition with many exhibitors reporting new contacts, new orders, excellent cash sales and new supporters for missions and charities. It also resulted in an unprecedented number of requests from exhibitors for larger stands in 2009.
14–15 May 2023
Visitor Information: Further information about CHASE 2012 will appear during Autumn 2011 and the full seminar programme should be published in late November 2011. Registrations for CHASE 2012 are now open but seminar bookings will not be possible until late November 2011.
18–21 May 2023
Pferd15, the platform for the horse in 15, studied in this year the "horse-friendly community in 15". The winner of last year received the town Annaberg (Lower 15) and the community in Schönau Mühlkreis (Upper 15) for the coveted award that you have been awarded in a high-profile setting. Thus, in the last year in the opening ceremony of the horse catfish award from the provincial government and Franz Josef Stockinger Steininger, president of the Upper 15n Federation, presented to the mayor of the municipality of Schönau.
24–26 May 2023
Many exhibitors EUNIQUE 2011 have already registered for the EUNIQUE 2012th Take advantage of the opportunity to present themselves and apply quickly. Larger and more international forerunner of the European trade fair for applied arts and design under the motto "Quality First" in their second round ■ 7,800 visitors to the Messe Karlsruhe ■ More than 400 top designers from 21 countries ■ visitor satisfaction increased significantly ■ Exhibitors strike a positive balance ■ Partner Country - Creative "Made in Belgium" ■ program with awards and high-quality special shows
25–28 May 2023
Die Internationale Briefmarken-Messe in Essen ist die älteste Veranstaltung dieser Art in Deutschland und in der ganzen Welt. Seit 1976 treffen sich in der Ruhrmetropole Sammler aus nah und fern. Seit 2006 findet die Veranstaltung jährlich Anfang Mai statt. Am Eröffnungstag konnten in den letzten Jahren prominente Sportler begrüßt werden. 2006 kam der Fußballer Olaf Thon (FC Schalke 04), der mit der deutschen Nationalmannschaft 1990 Weltmeister wurde. Sehr viele Autogramme musste 2007 Handball-Bundestrainer Heiner Brand geben, der wenige Monate zuvor den Handball-WM-Titel nach Deutschland geholt hatte. 2008 hielt Steffi Jones, die Präsidentin des Organisationskomitees für die Frauen-Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2011 in Deutschland, am Eröffnungstag eine Ansprache und gab anschließend fleißig Autogramme. Auch 2009 werden wieder prominente Sportler zur Autogrammstunde erwartet.