
Eventos Alimentos, Bebidas, Envases Suecia 2023

5 events

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07 sep 2023
Join us for the Nordic Wildberry Conference, a unique opportunity to share knowledge and ideas about the forest berry market. Discover the latest research, opportunities, and challenges, and gain insight into innovations, social sustainability, and more. Let's tackle challenges together.
20 sep 2023
Fastfood and Cafe show is a world filled with news, inspiration, unexpected meetings, and new opportunities. Here you will be the first with the latest when you get a complete overview of what the industry has to offer under one roof. Meet leading suppliers and small local upstarts. Don't miss a complete starting field with suppliers and products from all corners of the industry. Get inspiration, develop your range, network and find what is needed to take the business to the next level. The exhibitors show everything from raw materials, beverages, and semi-finished products to equipment, interior packaging, and technical solutions.
A conference at the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm will explore the potential of formed and moulded fibre-based packaging as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastics. The event will examine design possibilities and manufacturing processes, and consider how technology breakthroughs will impact the market.