
Conferencia Wichita, Estados Unidos de América 2023

6 events

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The Joint Water and Wastewater Conference organized by the American Water Works Association will take place in Wichita, United States. The conference aims to unite resources, people, and ideas to support safe drinking water for all Kansans.
Chinese visas, including tourist visas, are now available. Those with visas issued before March 28, 2020 and still valid can enter. No quarantine is required, but a negative test result within 48 hours of departure is needed. Check with your local Chinese embassy for more information.
The Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition has been authorized by the Kansas State Board of Nursing to offer a continuing nursing education course. This course is suitable for APRN, RN, or LPN relicensure and provides ___contact hours. Kansas State Board of Nursing Provider Number: _____.