
Conferencia Otro Alemania Septiembre 2023

35 events

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The VDE ITG, GI, KuVS, and IFIP are supporting the conference on communication and distributed systems.
The IDAACS aims to serve as a platform for sharing cutting-edge advancements in Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computer Systems. It seeks to foster scientific collaborations between research teams from different countries. The Ruhr Valley, historically known for its steel and coal industries, now thrives as a technology and innovation hub. Participants of IDAACS will have the opportunity to witness the blend of old and new industries in the region, with the main conference site being the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Thematic sessions and visits to Bochum, Herne, and Gelsenkirchen, organized by the DeepTech network h, will supplement the conference program.
Tech Forum Hamburg focuses on the developments in the area of copper and fiber optics who are forcing not only new standards but also new products in terms of both cabling and connectors, which means that planners, installers and operators need a lot of up-to-date know-how. For the standards, this applies to the series EN 50173 and 50174, for the products, among other things, all types of copper compounds according to Category 7 and 7A and 8,8.1,8.2, as well as in the fiber optic environment for balancing the advantages of OM4 and OM5.
The Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research strongly denounces Russia's assault on Ukraine. The Leibniz-IZW is a prestigious German research institute known globally. Through advanced assisted reproduction technologies, 29 northern white rhino embryos have been produced and preserved for future transfer to a surrogate mother. The BioRescue research project is primarily supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Understanding this procedure is essential for enabling the creation of male germ cells "in the test tube." Until recently, evidence indicated that throughout their evolutionary history, gammaretroviruses like Murine leukemia virus had not inhabited their genomes, unlike most other mammalian orders. This colonization process is referred to as retroviral endogenization and has led to approximately ten percent of mammalian genomes being composed of retroviral-like sequences.
13 sep 2023
This conference brings together experts from the gear and transmission industry to share research and discuss the latest developments. Join equipment manufacturers and researchers to present innovative solutions and learn about tooth geometry, load carrying-capacity, and diagnostic techniques.
Join us in Berlin, Germany for MRMW, a conference featuring live discussions, case studies, round tables, and networking sessions. The MRMW concept offers personal development, networking, and business opportunities.
14 sep 2023
The seminar is suitable for design, simulation, testing and project engineers, as well as managers seeking an up-to-date understanding of the global NCAP programs, upcoming trends, and insights from an insider. Attendees can select the seminar focus based on their work. This course is offered as an in-house option, allowing for cost and time savings on travel.
CECRA and Infopro Digital Group are hosting the #CONNECT Europe event in Berlin where European dealer groups, repairers, and automotive experts will discuss the future of the industry. Imaweb and PPG will also showcase their innovative digital solutions for the automotive sector. WYZ offers digital solutions to boost tire sales in the automotive distribution industry. They also provide efficient workshop reception tools and personalized websites to enhance consumer sales.
Microwave technologies have become integral to the automotive industry, with applications like keyless entry and tire pressure monitoring systems. Automotive radar, operating at 77 GHz, entered the European market in 1999. In 2019, the European Microwave Association (EuMA) organized the Automotive Forum as a platform for experts to discuss technical aspects, concepts, radar architectures, and market issues. The forum includes presentations, discussions, and networking opportunities.
18 sep 2023
Economists across various disciplines are encouraged to share their latest research findings and explore future research opportunities in the field. Submissions on micro or macroeconomic aspects of robots, automation, and AI are welcome. Ana Abeliansky (WU Wien), André Jungmittag (EU Joint Research Centre, Seville), Katja Mann (Copenhagen Business School), Christopher Müller (IFR, Frankfurt), Klaus Prettner (WU Wien).
Pervasive connectivity is a major trend in society, impacting daily life and business operations. Efforts are being made to provide high-quality connectivity to people on the move or in remote areas. Information superiority is crucial in modern warfare. This forum brings together experts to discuss the latest trends in delivering connectivity to moving platforms, even in congested and contested spectrum access. The topics will be addressed from the perspective of satellite network operators, antenna technology providers, and defense-related airborne networks. Enjoy invited talks, lunch and learn sessions, and panel discussions.
Technology is increasingly used by various actors for conflict transformation and promoting peace, aiming to reduce violence in the long term. The geopolitics of infrastructure, such as energy and climate change, is an urgent topic. Infrastructures play a role in conflicts, global injustice, and peaceful conflict transformation. The conference seeks contributions on the geopolitics of infrastructure and their role. The regulation and proliferation of security-relevant technologies and their design are important considerations. Energy systems and their infrastructures have been discussed in relation to conflicts over oil, gas, and the dual use of nuclear energy. The recent debate on the geopolitics of renewable energies and the Russian invasion of Ukraine highlights the impact of energy technologies and infrastructures on conflict transformation.