
Paroda Reklama, Rinkodara, Spauda Rugpjūtis 2024

3 events

Plastic, Packaging & Print Asia is being organized at the most opportune time when the government is looking forward to expanding the Plastic industry of the Country, which has shown tremendous growth in the past few years. Plastic, Packaging & Print Asia would showcase the emerging capabilities of Pakistan in the chemical and polythene industry and aims to focus on the immense potential of Pakistan in International markets.
03 rugp. 2024
The event is held at Hainan International Convention & Exhibition Center in Haikou City, China. It is organized by Guangzhou DPES Exhibition Co., Ltd. The event focuses on the sign and digital printing industry.
LabelEXPO Shanghai will create a leading one-stop trading and procurement platform for labeling equipment and consumables in the Asia-Pacific region. It will be covering all types of label printing equipment, substrates, inks and ribbons, other consumables, supporting and infrastructure, services, and software, allowing you to Contact a large number of high-quality suppliers to make your purchasing reference more professional and valuable.