01–02 июнь 2023
Banks from Europe and beyond are dramatically expanding the use of the Yankee bond market; a record 54 issues totaling $36bn were issued in the first two weeks of 2011. That trend is set to accelerate. High issuance and refinancing needs, woes in home bond markets and a thirst for high-quality assets among US investors are combining to drive volumes. But US bond-buyers need more information if they are to feel comfortable opening up new lines, extending along the yield curve and down the capital structure. On May 19, Euromoney will hold a conference bringing together issuers, investors and intermediaries in this vibrant market. Building on the success of Euromoney’s US events such as Covered Bonds and Real Return, the event will provide all the information needed in one place, on one day. Investors will learn valuable information about the regulatory, credit and market environment for European bank debt. They will be also be able to interrogate the credit stories of key issuers, actual and potential. The conference will draw important comparisons with the market for US bank debt and will cover the whole range of bank instruments, from senior debt through to newer forms of capital securities. For information regarding speaking or sponsorship opportunities please contact Mishal Karia on +44 (0)20 7779 8179 or email mkaria@euromoneyplc.com
Реклама, маркетинг, полиграфия
Сельское хозяйство
Красота, мода, одежда, косметика
Бизнес, финансы, банки
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Дизайн, подарки, мебель
Электроника, электротовары
Еда, напитки, упаковка
Здравоохранение, фармацевтика
Хобби, ремесла
Гостиницы, рестораны, кейтеринг
IT, электронная торговля
Ювелирные изделия, Предметы роскоши
Дети, игрушки
Кино, театр, ТВ
Музыка, танцы
Личностный рост, психология
Недвижимость, инвестиции
Наука, образование, изобретения
Общество, политика
Транспорт, логістика
Путешествия, развлечения, досуг, спорт
Химия, пластик, резина
Потребительские ярмарки
Энергосбережение, экология, очистка, утилизация
Промышленное оборудование, инструменты, электроника
Машиностроение, металлургия, обработка металла, сварка
Кросс-тематические мероприятия
Нефть, газ, полезные ископаемые
Энергия, энергетика