
Мероприятия Потребительские ярмарки Германия Февраль 2023

4 мероприятий






The World of Event Decoration Right at the beginning of the new business year, the world’s leading trade fair for festive decorations presents the trends and innovations for the coming seasons. The Christmasworld is the foremost meeting place for the international decorations sector. Next Christmasworld 2012: 27 - 31 January 2012
In February 2011, the HOME-GARDEN-LEISURE already opened its doors to 21 Times 184 000 visitors came at 860 exhibitors, buying more than last year. With 14.2 million €, a new consumption record was set. An attractive program with many highlights enthusiastic again our guests. To continue the success story of the HOME-GARDEN-LEISURE in 2012, preparations have already begun. Initial information is available on our website. Your questions are welcome. See you at the HOUSE-GARDEN-LEISURE 2012 of 11 to 19 February!
25 фев. — 05 март 2023
Building and Construction Living Interior Construction Housekeeping Nourishment Leisure Agriculture Motor Vehicles Personal Supplies Garment Die Messe Thüringen feiert in Erfurt ist die Messe für Hochzeit & Feste. Zahlreiche Aussteller präsentieren auf der Hochzeit & Feste Messe Thüringen Modetipps, Frisurideen, Schmuck, Accessoires und Make-up. Darüber hinaus bieten Floristen, Messe Künstler, Fotografen, Gastronome und Veranstaltungsmacher Ihre Dienstleistungen an. Thüringen feiert, Thüringens größte Messe für Hochzeiten, Kinder- und Jugendfeste, Bälle, private Feste und Firmenjubiläen.
25 фев. — 05 март 2023
The spring exhibition in Kassel trade fair is an exhibition for the garden, travel, leisure, home, saving energy and nature. Around 450 exhibitors present at the spring exhibition in Kassel a wide range of products around the topic areas of gardening, travel, leisure, home, saving energy and natural. At a special exhibition area of ​​1,200 square meters are at the Spring Fair exhibition in Kassel about to find out information and products to the current exhibition's theme.