
Мероприятия Промышленное оборудование, инструменты, электроника Durban, Южно-Африканская Республика 2023

3 мероприятий




International Heavy Minerals Conference alternates between South Africa and other heavy mineral-producing countries. It provides a forum for an exchange of knowledge in all aspects of heavy minerals, from exploration through processing and product applications. This is a strictly technical conference, and efforts by the Organizing Committee are aimed at preserving its technical nature. The benefit of this focus is that it allows the operators of businesses within this sector to discuss topics not normally covered in such forums. The focus on heavy minerals includes the more obvious minerals such as ilmenite, rutile, and zircon; and also other heavy minerals such as garnet, and alusite, and sillimanite.
Unlocking economic value of public resources through progressive property & asset management system"The Conference will focus on unlocking economic value from underutilized public assets through progressive property and asset management systems. The South African government owns a range of assets that improve citizens' lives, but many are in poor condition. The event will support public sector officials and asset managers to derive the greatest economic and social value from government assets. Theme: Unlocking the economic value of public resources through progressive property and asset management systems.
The Roads Evolution Forum & Showcase aims to highlight Africa's efforts to improve its highway network by featuring technological advancements and major projects. It offers the African road construction industry a platform to learn, network, and discuss the latest developments in road design, construction, and maintenance.
Индустрии Реклама, маркетинг, полиграфия Сельское хозяйство Архитектура Красота, мода, одежда, косметика Бизнес, финансы, банки Культура, искусство Дизайн, подарки, мебель Электроника, электротовары Еда, напитки, упаковка Здравоохранение, фармацевтика Хобби, ремесла Гостиницы, рестораны, кейтеринг IT, электронная торговля Ювелирные изделия, Предметы роскоши Дети, игрушки Кино, театр, ТВ Музыка, танцы Другое Личностный рост, психология Недвижимость, инвестиции Безопасность Наука, образование, изобретения Общество, политика Транспорт, логістика Путешествия, развлечения, досуг, спорт Химия, пластик, резина Потребительские ярмарки Энергосбережение, экология, очистка, утилизация Евент-индустрия Промышленное оборудование, инструменты, электроника Машиностроение, металлургия, обработка металла, сварка Кросс-тематические мероприятия Нефть, газ, полезные ископаемые Онлайн-выставки Энергия, энергетика Топ-мероприятия