
Онлайн Грац, Австрия 2023

5 мероприятий











Тип мероприятия

15–16 апр. 2023
This health and beauty industry exhibition covers a wide range of providers from the fields of foot care, cosmetics, nail design, massage, permanent make-up, piercing and tattooing and is purely for the trade.
15–16 апр. 2023
The catchment area of the city of Vienna and the surrounding federal states offers by far the biggest market in 15. The premiere in 2011 attracted large numbers of trade visitors from Vienna, Lower 15, Burgenland, Upper 15, Salzburg, Styria and Carinthia. What’s more, Vienna is the international hub for Eastern Europe. Thanks to targeted marketing strategies, the 2011 fair welcomed trade visitors from the 58, Slovakia, Hungary and 201. The feeling of a new beginning was tangible, and both trade visitor and exhibitors agreed: The future belongs to this trade fair!
27 апр. — 01 май 2023
The Frühjahrsmesse in Graz focuses on the topics living, garden and lifestyle. The fair is a veritable magnet for visitors in the spring and invites the whole family to a shopping and entertainment experience with a difference. With its wide range of products exhibitions has something for everyone.
29 сент. — 03 окт. 2023
The new Graz Autumn Trade Fair: five days and six nights   On the same model as the extremely successful relaunch of the Graz Spring Trade Fair in 2010, the Graz Autumn Trade Fair has now also undergone a makeover. The new Autumn Trade Fair will present an exciting mix of major innovations and tried and tested offerings over five exciting days and six nights. And above all, less is more! The new Graz Autumn Fair is being launched with a new combination of days on Wednesday 28 September at 18.00 with the “long night of the fair” , after which it will be open daily from 10.00, from Thursday 29 September to Monday 3 October 2011 – with new, attractive focal themes and partnerships which are as prominent as they are strong.
Индустрии Реклама, маркетинг, полиграфия Сельское хозяйство Архитектура Красота, мода, одежда, косметика Бизнес, финансы, банки Культура, искусство Дизайн, подарки, мебель Электроника, электротовары Еда, напитки, упаковка Здравоохранение, фармацевтика Хобби, ремесла Гостиницы, рестораны, кейтеринг IT, электронная торговля Ювелирные изделия, Предметы роскоши Дети, игрушки Кино, театр, ТВ Музыка, танцы Другое Личностный рост, психология Недвижимость, инвестиции Безопасность Наука, образование, изобретения Общество, политика Транспорт, логістика Путешествия, развлечения, досуг, спорт Химия, пластик, резина Потребительские ярмарки Энергосбережение, экология, очистка, утилизация Евент-индустрия Промышленное оборудование, инструменты, электроника Машиностроение, металлургия, обработка металла, сварка Кросс-тематические мероприятия Нефть, газ, полезные ископаемые Онлайн-выставки Энергия, энергетика Топ-мероприятия