Present 760 exhibitors this season, and pay Greet Meeting the Expectations of Visitors 18826 HYGIENE / CLEANING / DEPOLLUTION Signature On A Charter of Partnership pour Prevention of Musculo-Skeletal IN the trades of the 18 conferences proposed Clean Processing air of industrial premises, quartering and hygiene Building, precautions "standard" hygiene, ventilation solutions ... Innovation Award hygiene / cleaning
28 сент. 2022
The Management in Practice Event isdedicated to practice managers andis supported by the publicationManagement in Practice, the first journalspecifically designed todirectly address the ever-expanding role andresponsibilities of today’sprimary care practice manager. The educational conference is complemented by an exhibition featuring key charities, product suppliers, educational institutes, services to primary care and recruitment specialists
Third largest fair on European continent of a high standard of quality guaranteed by its association with the MEDICA Group chain – the trade fair company Messe Düsseldorf. The fairs are staged under a joint logo on four world continents – in Europe, Asia, America and Australia. One of the most important specialist fairs of medical technology, equipment of hospitals, healthcare centers and subsequent rehabilitation incl. prosthetics in the area of EU new and member countries The REHAPROTEX segment it presented a broad assortment of compensation, prosthetic, orthopedic and rehabilitation equipment and is unrivalled in the Central-European area.
The exhibition and conference of radiology. The JFR offer a scientific and educational program ever complete. • 116 scientific sessions and didactic • More than 650 posters • 300 hours of instruction (classroom sessions and practical workshops) • More than 1500 participants 233ge of radiological equipment Reduction of risk Determine the impact of technologies on the discovery of cancer
With over 180 exhibitors on 7,000 sqm of exhibition space and 10,000 visitors expected, AUTONOMIC 2011 West Grand is the leading trade fair where all the players converge to disability and dependency for greater autonomy of individuals, home and / or in institutions. The lounge Autonomic Grand West 2011 will take place on 29 and 30 September in Rennes Airport Exhibition Hall 5. Trade and consumer public, it is intended for: industrial manufacturers and suppliers of technical aids and disability equipment, to social and medico-social, health professionals and social communities, users - people disabilities, frail elderly and their relatives.
12–13 окт. 2022
Care Show is a dynamic market place, meeting place, learning zone and forum for its industry: Designed to inspire, entice, stimulate and inform all care home owners, healthcare professionals and care providers. The Care Show is the care industry’s premier event – providing unrivalled opportunities for visitors to source and experience the very best in care sector products and services. With a heritage as THE industry exhibition, visiting The Care Show is a professional necessity for all: * Residential nursing and care home owners * Key Care home personnel - management executives, owners and carers * Healthcare professionals * Care providers, home carers * Social Services executives * Occupational therapists/ Physiotherapists * Private hospital Management executives * Sheltered housing management executives
Die Messe EUHA-Kongress Frankfurt am Main ist ein internationaler Hörgeräteakustiker-Kongress mit Fachausstellung. Zahlreiche Aussteller präsentieren auf der Fachausstellung des Hörgeräteakustiker-Kongress Frankfurt am Main aktuelle Produkte und technologische Innovationen für gutes Hören und Verstehen, sowie für die Ausstattung eines Schwerhörigen- oder Gehörlosen-Haushaltes. Das Kongressprogramm des EUHA Hörgeräteakustiker-Kongress Frankfurt am Main bietet ein breites Spektrum an Vorträgen internationaler Wissenschaftler zu aktuellen Forschungsberichten.
Frequency: annually Venue: Stuttgart (Airport) Main product: Dental Medicine Dental Technology Equipment Instruments Tools Pharmaceuticals Detergent Disinfectant Books Computer Hardware Software Multimedia Workwear OSH Services Disposal Recycling Auxiliaries
16–17 окт. 2022
If there's one event you can't afford to miss, it is The Pharmacy Show. There's no better event to showcase your brands and service to the people who count, pharmacists and industry buyers. The Pharmacy Show is attended by Pharmacists representing 80% of the UK pharmacy market, with a combined buying power of £12 Billion! The 4,000+ delegates are all high earners, with A1 profiles. New areas added to the show this year include Meet the Multiple and an International Pavilion, with the addition of these area's and the amount of expected exhibitors and visitors the show is now set to be the largest in Europe for the pharmacy market.
19–22 окт. 2022
We welcome you to join us at The second International Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy which will take place on May 17-20, 2012 in Berlin, Germany. The goals of the congress are to continue advancing the knowledge and expertise of health care professionals around the globe by exchange of information, development of collaborative research both basic and clinical, discuss, adopt and upgrade recent guidelines for the management of cardiovascular conditions during pregnancy and the post partal period. The program will include invited lectures, workshops as well as original oral and poster presentations which will cover a wide spectrum of topics in all disciplines related to pregnancy associated cardiovascular conditions.
20 окт. 2022
The fair Fachdental Bavaria in Munich, is an event for dentists and dental technicians from Bavaria and neighboring regions. Around 200 exhibitors at the trade fair in Munich, Bavaria Dental new and improved products and solutions for dental problems. The range of professional dental Munich covers the areas of facility, laboratory, prosthetics, and materials management. A supporting program for the professional dental Bayern Munich, dentists, orthodontists, oral surgeons, dental technicians and dental staff completes but also students and trainees from the industry.
21–22 окт. 2022
The big retailer Henry Schein Dental, NWD and Pluradent walk together on the offensive. The more than 500 million in revenues and almost 2,500-strong dental depots have faced a new challenge: Much clearer than in the known "FACHDENTAL" they want during a new event to make the power spectrum of the Dental Depot "understandable" and transparent. . ID Germany - Info Days dental trade "- the new name for an annual organized" power road show "at a total of 6 locations. With the motto "more is better" says the commercial's claim, with this event by "optimizing the quality of experience" his best advice to customers on a personal site and provide support. Consensual goal is to offer the dental-medical profession a neutral information platform for all qualified dealers and their range of partners with a comprehensive range of services accordingly. Concept is that all companies in the dental industry that meet the national uniform and accreditation requirements, are invited to participate.
More than eight years ago, BioCentury, EBD Group and BIO joined with our like-minded collaborators in the international banking and venture communities to launch BioEquity Europe, a forum singularly focused on the financial health of European biotech. BIO-Europe is Europe's largest partnering conference, serving the global biotechnology industry. The conference annually attracts leading dealmakers from biotech, pharma and finance along with the most exciting emerging companies. Produced with the support of BIO, it is regarded as a “must attend” event for the biotech industry.
25–27 окт. 2022
An der 31. IFAS vom 26. bis 29. Oktober 2010, der Fachmesse für den Gesundheitsmarkt, informierten sich total 16'470 Besucherinnen und Besucher über die aktuellsten Produkte und Dienstleistungen für die Gesundheitsbranche. 403 Aussteller nutzten die einzigartige Plattform für die Kontaktpflege und Akquisition von Neukunden. Ihr Fazit zur diesjährigen Messe: "Wir sind 2012 wieder dabei! " Zuspruch fand bei den Besuchern einmal mehr, dass sie sich an der IFAS einen umfassenden Branchenüberblick verschaffen konnten und Beratung aus erster Hand erhielten. "Wir richten eine Gemeinschaftspraxis neu ein. Da ist es sehr hilfreich, wenn man die Geräte untereinander vergleichen und auch ausprobieren kann ", meinte eine Ärztin. "Die unverbindliche, breite Information an einer Messe ziehe ich dem Besuch von Vertretern vor ", sagt ein Logistikverantwortlicher. Die Schwerpunktthemen Medizintechnik, Diagnostik, Rehabilitation, Pflege und Therapie, Verbrauch, Organisation und Einrichtung sowie Informatik stiessen allesamt auf grosses Interesse. Mit total 16'470 Besuchern, davon 13'749 Fachbesucher, war die IFAS erneut ein Erfolg. Der Besuchermix war vielfältig: Ärzte, Pflegefachleute, Therapeuten, Apotheker und Verantwortliche aus dem Verwaltungsbereich holten sich Entscheidungsgrundlagen und Ideen für ihre künftigen Investitionen. Mit Besucherinteresse zufrieden Alle sieben Hallen der Messe Zürich oder rund 15'000 Quadratmeter Ausstellungsfläche waren belegt: 377 Unternehmen aus der Schweiz, 25 aus Deutschland und Firma aus 1 Österreich stellten ihre Neuheiten, aber auch bewährte Lösungen vor. Die Aussteller waren mit dem Zulauf zufrieden bis sehr zufrieden. "Die IFAS ist eine wichtige Plattform, auf welcher Philips einen grossen Teil seines Portfolios einem breiten Publikum zeigen kann. 2012 Wir sind wieder dabei! ", Bestätigt Suzy Chisholm, Head of Communications von Philips. Auch Tomas Pfister, Geschäftsführer der Hospitec AG, will in zwei Jahren wieder an der IFAS teilnehmen. "Die Qualität der Besucher entspricht unseren Erwartungen. Die IFAS ist für uns eine wichtige Messe und wir sind im 2012 wieder dabei. " Thomas Drews, Geschäftsführer von H + Bildung, stellte fest, dass sich sehr viele Pflegefachleute über Ausbildungsangebote informierten und das Standpersonal aufgrund des grossen Besucherzulaufs sogar noch ausgebaut werden musste.
Diabetes is one of the fastest growing public health problems worldwide. It affects all populations and is increasing everywhere. It causes severe complications and shortens life expectancy significantly. Treatment of diabetes is usually life-long, and therefore expensive. However, there are good news: diabetes and its complications are preventable! By preventing diabetes all the suffering related to this disease and unnecessary costs associated with it can be avoided. The World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Its Complications is a global forum where experts on diabetes and prevention meet and all participants can enjoy high quality scientific discussions on principles of diabetes prevention and listen to the experiences from diabetes prevention programmes that have been implemented in various countries. The World Congress of Diabetes and Its Complications has taken place regularly since 1996 when the first historic Congress took place in Copenhagen, Denmark. It then traveled to Fiuggi (Rome), Italy, Hong Kong, Chennai, India, Helsinki, Finland and Dresden, Germany. During these years increasing evidence on the potential for prevention of type 2 diabetes has been obtained, included pharmacologic treatment, and the knowledge on the prevention of complications of diabetes has been strengthened.
01–03 нояб. 2022
Join us in Madrid for CPhI Worldwide 2012, the world’s leading pharmaceutical networking event with 28,500 attendees from 140 countries and over 1,900 exhibitors. Meet face-to-face with international pharmaceutical companies, stay informed about the latest industry trends and remain one step ahead of a constantly changing pharmaceutical market. Make sure you are there and reserve your stand space at www.cphi.com/exhibit.
For the past twenty years, the ENDO CLUB NORD dasEndoskopie highlight of the year. Since its foundation in 1991, fascinated by the ENDO CLUB NORD year his now more than 2,000 participants each year with live endoscopy at the highest level. Innovative endoscopic procedures coupled with modern endoscope and processor technology from the three hospitals involved - the Asklepios Clinics and Altona Barmbek, and the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf - Used for the benefit of patients and illustrate the Participants the opportunities for flexible endoscopy. The Hamburger teams are supported by well-known experts support from all over the world.
Annual meeting of the French association of orthopedic surgery and traumatology. This is an honor and an opportunity for the dissemination of French orthopedics on an international showcase. SOFCOT will have a booth to showcase our particular conference. We will also present our work as a paper or poster. To prepare for this event, we will entrust the organization to a committee formed in 2014 by Norbert AAOS Passuti, Rémi Kohler and Charles Court, which will be respectively SOFCOT President, General Secretary and President of AOT, and finally, Charles Msika, head of the Communication Unit and has a close relationship with the AAOS. Adult traumatology Adult orthopedics Pediatric orthopedics General issues
Traditional meeting of the French Federation of Orthodontics. Heads of orthodontics societies gather to discuss vital topics and to answer the wide public questions. For ten years, the scientific program devotes much space to young colleagues who wish to speak at the podium in the Days of Orthodontics. Each speaker has a talk time of 10 minutes. The recruitment of these young speakers is essentially through the services of teachers orthodontics in 75 and francophone countries. Each candidate has to defend the colors of his university. This year, three 'Federation Prize "reference" speakers Seeds "with the company's partnership Ormodent will be awarded to the best speakers and French speaking after the vote and the jury room.
11 нояб. 2022
Nursing in Practice Events is the largest free conference & expo dedicated to primary care nurses across the UK. Designed specifically to meet the educational needs of practice nurses and other primary care specialists, the programme features an impressive collection of speakers delivering highly topical and relevant presentations. The educational conferences are complemented by an exhibition featuring key charities, product suppliers, educational institutes, services to primary care and recruitment specialists.
Exhibition will be organized in order to display alternative medicine equipment & techniques. Alternative Medicine Equipment Alternative Medicine Techniques