Выставка Энергия, энергетика Restart Energy India Expo 2023

04 август 2023 - 04 август 2023
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О событии
Restart Energy India Expo is the world shift to more sustainable energy, more people than ever before are considering solar energy for the home. Gain profound insights into current global trends in the renewable energy industry. The Expo is expected to redefine the tech & infra landscape of India by hosting a cutting-edge exhibition, multi-lateral sessions, keynotes, technical sessions plenaries, etc. Attend interactive workshops and seminars at the exhibition. Benefit from a global network a€" meet globally renowned industry experts. You can be part of a three-day event that unites more top-level energy professionals than any other. It's your opportunity to meet those professionals who will be able to help shape new businesses, drive projects forward and inspire new opportunities.
Место проведения
Адрес: CIDCO Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, Индия
Место проведения
CIDCO Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India