Lloji i ngjarjes
02 Sht 2023
BrickUniverse Lego Fan Convention offers attendees the opportunity to view impressive exhibits, meet renowned artists, and engage in building activities. From skyscrapers to city layouts, it is a space for fans of all ages to express their creativity.
02 Sht 2023
BrickUniverse is an industry-leading, family-operated LEGO® fan event organized by fans, for fans of all ages. Join us and experience one of the largest LEGO® fan events in the country. Since 2014, BrickUniverse has helped inspire thousands of LEGO® enthusiasts in over 70 plus events in cities all across the United States. Over the years, our family has aimed to demonstrate how everyone's favorite brick is more than just a toy. Today, we are honored to present a major exhibition of works by celebrated contemporary artists from around the country.
09 Sht 2023
Oldest continuously running show in the Ohio"The oldest continuous antique show in Ohio returns with dealers from 18 states showcasing antiques, fine art, decorative items such as high-end furniture, glass, jewelry, ceramics, paintings, textiles, and Shaker pieces.
16 Sht 2023
OLP Events and BusinessWoman magazine host Women's Expos in several counties, providing a fun and relaxing atmosphere for women to shop and connect with local businesses. Attendees rave about the experience.
23 Sht 2023
The festival features over 300 arts, crafts and food vendors, as well as live entertainment each day.
28 Sht 2023
Show will make it more affordable for companies to send their buyers for these products."TNGIE will begin in Lebanon, TN and attendees should confirm details with the organizer or venue. Exhpo.com does not solicit exhibitors or attendees.
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