
Ngjarjet Liverpool, Mbretëria e Bashkuar 2023

2 events

Shiko më shumë...
The aim of CRE is to bring together those who support, work with and provide for the church with those who lead and attend churches of all denominations in the UK. It is a place of coming together, to be enriched and equipped, where people resource one another. With over 350 exhibitors and a comprehensive seminar programme addressing a wide range of issues relevant to Christians today, National CRE attracts thousands of Church leaders and other Christians from all denominations, delivering excellent results for the organisations exhibiting there. 'Unprecedented growth' was the mood of the 2008 exhibition with many exhibitors reporting new contacts, new orders, excellent cash sales and new supporters for missions and charities. It also resulted in an unprecedented number of requests from exhibitors for larger stands in 2009.