Lloji i ngjarjes
31 Gus 2023
AOGA is thrilled to present another content-packed agenda for this year's conference! We have top-tier speakers lined up and appreciate your understanding as we finalize the details. To secure your spot, we recommend registering now. AOGA is a nonprofit trade association dedicated to ensuring the sustainability of Alaska's oil and gas industry for the benefit of all Alaskans. We represent the majority of companies involved in oil and gas operations in the North Slope, Cook Inlet, and offshore areas of Alaska.
25 Sht 2023
Travel Agency Owners Forum is an exclusive event designed to engage travel suppliers and business solution providers on a global level with a select audience of North American travel agency owners, representing significant sales and decision-making power. It will keep you engaged during four fully packed days including, networking with like-minded peers, face-to-face meetings with international travel suppliers as well as PRE/POST FAMs.
06 Tet 2023
Our symposium provides continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technicians. Continuing education hours (up to 19 CEs) will be available at the symposium and CE will be submitted to the Alaska Board of Veterinary Examiners for approval. AKVMA does not seek RACE approval of the symposium although a few CEs offered by individual sponsors may be RACE approved.
Reklamim, Marketing, Print
Bukuri, Modë, Veshje, Kozmetikë
Biznes, Financa, Bankar
Kultura, Artet
Dizajn, Dhurata, Mobilje
Elektronikë, Mallra elektrike
Ushqim, Pije, Paketim
Shëndetësi, Farmaci
Hobi, Mjeshtëri
Hotele, Restorante, Catering
IT, E-commerce
Bizhuteri, Mallra luksoze
Fëmijë, lodra
Filma, Teatër, TV
Muzika, Vallëzimi
Të tjera
Zhvillimi personal, Psikologji
Real Estate, Investime
Shkencë, Edukim, Shpikje
Shoqëria, Politika
Transporti, Logjistika
Udhëtim, Argëtim, Kohë të Lirë, Sporte
Industria kimike, e plastikës dhe e gomës
Panairet e tregtisë së konsumatorit
Kursimi i energjisë, Mbrojtja e mjedisit, Ekologjia, Pastrimi, Shfrytëzimi
Събитийна индустрия
Pajisje industriale, Vegla, Elektronikë
Makineri, Metalurgji, Përpunimi i Metaleve, Saldimi
Ngjarjet shumësektoriale
Nafta, Gazi, Minierat
Shfaqjet tregtare në internet
Fuqia, energjia
Ngjarjet kryesore