
Shfaqje tregtare Argjentina 2024

3 events

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International Plastic Exhibition"Argeplas is dedicated to the environment, circular economy, and innovation. It's a platform to discover new products and services, compare options, learn industry news, make informed purchasing decisions, and expand contacts. Exhibited products include machinery, rubber, molds, raw materials, and chemicals.
International Plastic Exhibition"Argeplas is dedicated to the environment, circular economy, and innovation. It's a platform to discover new products and services, compare options, learn industry news, make informed purchasing decisions, and expand contacts. Exhibited products include machinery, rubber, molds, raw materials, and chemicals.
International Food Technology, Additives and Ingredients Exhibition."Tecno Fidta is a professional event for the sector, requiring ID or passport for accreditation. It will follow health protocols due to COVID-19. Admission is at the discretion of the organizers, and those under 18 are not allowed.