Shfaqje tregtare Bujqësia Ventura County Fair 2023

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Rreth ngjarjes
Thanks in no small part to financial support from our corporate partners, the 12-day Ventura County Fair returned to rave reviews this past August after a 2-year absence. All of our 2022 corporate partners are listed below—we'll be updating the listing with 2023 sponsors as commitments are made. As always, Fair sponsorship packages deliver valuable benefits that enable these businesses to enhance their community image, market and brand their goods and services, build lasting customer relationships, and help bring the Fair experience to hundreds of thousands of appreciative consumers. Fair attendance has averaged more than 302,000 over the past five years.
Vendi i ngjarjes
Adresë: Ventura County Fairgrounds, Ventura, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Ventura County Fairgrounds, Ventura, United States