
Догађаји Фарнборо, Уједињено Краљевство 2023

3 events

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The popular Creative Craft Show is returning to Farnborough International! This event is a paradise for all crafting enthusiasts, offering the latest supplies and innovations in the craft world. Visit the show website for disabled concessions and group booking rates. With one ticket, you can access four incredible shows, including Cake International and Bake International. The Creative Craft Show features over 100 independent and international brands, workshops, and demonstrations from renowned crafters. Organized by ICHF Events, they also host various craft, cake, design, textile, sewing, hobbycraft, handmade fairs, and Christmas shows throughout the UK.
This trade show focuses on smart building and home automation industries and offers ample opportunities for businesses. It is the premier event for residential AV and home automation, attracting quality customers who are decision-makers with purchasing power. The exhibition showcases a range of exhibitors and promotes emerging technologies and innovations.
We strive to promote excellence in workplace safety, occupational health, and mental wellbeing. Our reinvented exhibition and conference platform offers essential education, networking, and procurement opportunities for the local OSH community. SHW Live is the only accessible, affordable, and sustainable platform for industry professionals to meet in person. It is organized by What Else Events, with over 20 years' experience in delivering high-quality exhibitions and conferences. SHW Live is supported by an Advisory Council, including influential voices in occupational safety and health. The event takes place at Manchester Central, a world-class venue easily accessible for OSH professionals from across the North of England.
Оглашавање, маркетинг, штампа Пољопривреда Архитектура Лепота, мода, одећа, козметика Бизнис, финансије, банкарство Култура, Уметност Дизајн, поклони, намештај Електроника, Електрични производи Храна, пиће, паковање Здравство, Апотека Хоби, занати Хотели, ресторани, угоститељство ИТ, Е-трговина Накит, луксузна роба Деца, играчке Филмови, позориште, ТВ Музика, плес Остало Лични развој, психологија Некретнине, инвестиције Сигурност Наука, образовање, проналасци Друштво, Политика Транспорт, Логистика Путовања, забава, слободно време, спорт Хемијска индустрија, пластика и гума Сајмови потрошача Уштеда енергије, заштита животне средине, екологија, пречишћавање, коришћење Индустрија догађаја Индустријска опрема, Алати, Електроника Makineri, Metalurgji, Përpunimi i Metaleve, Saldimi Мултисекторски догађаји Нафта, гас, рударство Онлине сајмови Снага, енергетика Главни догађаји