
Догађаји Milwaukee, Сједињене Америчке Државе 2023

11 events

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Food Truck Festivals of America is hosting a Food Truck & Craft Beer festival at Milwaukee's Fiserv Forum. Enjoy fan favorites from some of the area's most popular food trucks.
"Gifts & Handicrafts Expo Industry trade fair"Wisconsin State Fair Park, located in West Allis, is home to the Wisconsin State Fair, presented by UScellular. The first State Fair was held in Janesville, along the banks of the Rock River, in 1851. In the early years, the State Fair traveled to different cities each year until a permanent home for the event was found in 1892 at its present location.
Firefly Art Fair is an art exhibit held outdoors at the Kneeland Walker House. It features a wide range of media, including paintings, jewelry, and sculpture, and includes a silent auction. Food and drinks are available for purchase.
Morning Glory Art Fair is a popular art fair in downtown Milwaukee for over 40 years. It features 130+ artists from around the country showcasing art for wear and home. The fair takes place in the lively Fiserv Forum Deer District for the fourth year.
Decks can be bought for running and extra cards can be traded with vendors or sold for cash. Passes can be picked up on the morning of the show after pre-ordering. The Studios was founded by Jeff in 2015, promoting Eden Skye. Rebirth of the Gangster is CJ Standal Productions' flagship title.
Over 130 juried artists will display their work in various mediums, such as ceramics, fiber, jewelry, sculpture, paintings, photography, wood, and furniture, at the Annual Third Ward Art Festival.
The hotel located in downtown is in close proximity to the Historic Third Ward, where visitors can explore trendy Riverwalk, shops, and restaurants.
Attend the Milwaukee Tattoo Arts Convention to get inked by top tattoo artists, shop for supplies and merchandise, enjoy sideshow entertainment and live human suspension.
Оглашавање, маркетинг, штампа Пољопривреда Архитектура Лепота, мода, одећа, козметика Бизнис, финансије, банкарство Култура, Уметност Дизајн, поклони, намештај Електроника, Електрични производи Храна, пиће, паковање Здравство, Апотека Хоби, занати Хотели, ресторани, угоститељство ИТ, Е-трговина Накит, луксузна роба Деца, играчке Филмови, позориште, ТВ Музика, плес Остало Лични развој, психологија Некретнине, инвестиције Сигурност Наука, образовање, проналасци Друштво, Политика Транспорт, Логистика Путовања, забава, слободно време, спорт Хемијска индустрија, пластика и гума Сајмови потрошача Уштеда енергије, заштита животне средине, екологија, пречишћавање, коришћење Индустрија догађаја Индустријска опрема, Алати, Електроника Makineri, Metalurgji, Përpunimi i Metaleve, Saldimi Мултисекторски догађаји Нафта, гас, рударство Онлине сајмови Снага, енергетика Главни догађаји