
Догађаји Хотели, ресторани, угоститељство Аустрија 2022

2 events

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Reed Exhibitions in 15 for the "Everything for the host spring," a new course that: Instead of formerly two editions (one in Salzburg and Vienna), the catering and hospitality industry trade show in the spring of 2011 in the annual change Vienna held Salzburg . Of 10 to 13 April 2011, Messe Wien home, the following year, 2012, the Salzburg Exhibition Centre of the Venue. Exhibitors do only one in the spring and central hotel and catering trade fair In addition to well-established "Alles für den Gast Autumn" in Salzburg, which is several decades in the Alps-Danube-Adriatic region, the international, superior industry gathering voted, important parts of the issuing economy is also in view of the spring clear for only one strong and central specialist appointment for the local restaurants and hotels.
Our trade fairs and business events enable our clients to establish and capitalise on their business contacts on a person-to-person level. To this purpose Reed seeks and identifies the concrete needs of various markets in terms of presentation, information exchange and contacts.