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Companies, professional associations or groups that have concluded a partnership agreement with the College These partnerships, based on a convergence of intent and / or action in the professional field, do not imply any relationship between partners in a financial way or the other. * Audipog * GEMVI * Gynecology Without Borders CNGOF 91 Boulevard de Sebastopol - 75002 PARIS Tel. 33 (0) 1 43 43 01 00 - Fax 33 (0) 1 43 43 02 22 For all correspondence relating to professional and scientific ACTIVITIES PUBLICATIONS of CNGOF or, send emails to the secretariat of CNGOF For all correspondence relating to WEBSITE (presentation, content or operation), email the webmaster Webmaster: Dr. B. Michelon.
Best Conferences to attend in Paris, France."ICSCME 2023 is an opportunity for academics, students, scholars, scientists and engineers from around the world who are involved in the study, management, development and implementation of systems and concepts to combat information warfare or to improve Software, Computer and Manufacturing Engineering to come together and exchange ideas. This conference is trying to establish itself as a key event for the understanding of threats and risks to information systems, the development of a strong security culture, and incident investigation.
Best Conference to attend in Paris, France"ICCPRM 2023 is an opportunity for academics, students, scholars, scientists and engineers from around the world who are involved in the study, management, development and implementation of systems and concepts to combat information warfare or to improve Communication, Pattern Recognition and Management to come together and exchange ideas. This conference is trying to establish itself as a key event for the understanding of threats and risks to information systems, the development of a strong security culture, and incident investigation.Please consider submitting to this conference. We are interested in the entire range of concepts from theory to practice, including case studies, works-in-progress, and conceptual explorations.
Make sure you seize the opportunity to be part of DrupalCon Europe, the first in-person event in almost three years. This year's conference promises valuable insights, information, and networking opportunities.
Network X is a global Telco event that encompasses 5G World, Broadband World Forum, and Telco Cloud, providing extensive coverage of the telecoms industry.
5G World combines fixed and mobile markets, offering service providers various revenue opportunities in the enterprise sector. With 5G, enterprises can utilize analytics, machine learning, and edge-based cloud services to enhance productivity, launch new products, and deliver immersive experiences. 5G World provides comprehensive coverage of these opportunities, offering insights, case studies, standards, and access to experts involved in new business models and approaches.
Network X is merging 5G World, Broadband World Forum, and Telco Cloud to unite fixed and mobile markets. This event will provide extensive coverage of 5G opportunities, featuring insights, case studies, and experts.
Europe's top trade fair for pest and parasite control technologies, PARASItec, will host representatives from 30 nationalities, including laboratories, formulators, and specialized manufacturers.