
Догађаји Наука, образовање, проналасци Austria 2022

4 events

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13–15 окт 2022
What career opportunities are open to me? How can I make my future career?   More than 35,000 high school graduates, students and interested in further training per year is available in 15, the challengeto plan their education and careers. The range is wide like never before, the chances on the labor market difficult. Therefore, goodadvice is sought. At the BeSt ³ - Fair for work, study and training - but good advice is not expensive.   With admission free is the largest education fair in 15 a first point of contact for people seeking help. For three days - from 29.11. to 01.12.2012 - in the exhibition center of Klagenfurt, interested parties can find all the answers totheir questions again about the topic and training.   With over 100 exhibitors from home and abroad, here is a unique platform to offer a to comprehensive, objective, and make first-hand picture supplied. By splitting up into different subject areas, it is easy to orient and receive the desired information.   Opportunities and developments, current trends in the labor market and education but also important and far-reaching questions about the future as "Matura - What Now" are explained in lectures and discussions. There is an opportunity to get questionsanswered directly by experts.   Since the fun should not be neglected and education should also be exciting, there will again round out an attractive program ofthe visit.
23–27 нов 2022
Accompanying the BUCH WIEN this year from two prestigious bloggers: The Serbian writer Barbi Markovic reports mainly focus on Southeast Europe and the young 15n author Cornelia Travnicek trying to figure out what has to offer BUCH WIEN young writers. Here they share their view from tomorrow with their readers on the net.
In 1991 the Work-Info-Fair has taken place for the first time in Salzburg`s Exhibition Centre. In recent years, the educational information for people got always more extensive. The fair includes informations about different training facilities in schools and apprenticeships, additional it offers informations about education across the Salzburg-Bavarian border, adult education and university education. And the focus "technology rocks" is also a special highlight of the Work-Info-Fair 2011 in Salzburg.
30 нов — 02 дец 2022
What career opportunities are open to me? How can I make my future career?   More than 35,000 high school graduates, students and interested in further training per year is available in 15, the challengeto plan their education and careers. The range is wide like never before, the chances on the labor market difficult. Therefore, goodadvice is sought. At the BeSt ³ - Fair for work, study and training - but good advice is not expensive.   With admission free is the largest education fair in 15 a first point of contact for people seeking help. For three days - from17.10. to 10/22/2012 - Interested in the Exhibition Centre of Innsbruck find all the answers to their questions about the topic and training.   With over 150 exhibitors from home and abroad will offer a unique platform to be able to get a comprehensive, objective, andmake first-hand picture supplied. By splitting up into different subject areas, it is easy to orient and receive the desired information.   Opportunities and developments, current trends in the labor market and education but also important and far-reaching questions about the future as "Matura - What Now" were discussed in lectures and discussions. There is the possibility of experts answered questions to get.   Since the fun should not be neglected and education should also be exciting, there will again round out an attractive program ofthe visit.