The fair starts Abi Gelsenkirchen is the information session for students in high school. Approximately 20 - 30 renowned private high schools, exciting companies and universities the opportunity, the university and business representatives to ask their selection criteria. Various experts give the go-ahead Abi fair Gelsenkirchen in workshops and lectures, the most important information. An application for participation is required.
ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN has once again emerged as the largest international platform for exchanging ideas and experiences on ICT-supported enhanced education and training. 2197 learning and training professionals from 108 countries convened at the Hotel InterContinental in Berlin from December 1 – 3. In 85 parallel sessions, delegates discussed the latest trends and developments in ICT-supported learning in the corporate, academic and public service sectors. 530 speakers from 45 countries contributed to the comprehensive agenda. We thank all of our participants, speakers, exhibitors and sponsors: You made the event a resounding success! Mark your calendar: The next ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN will take place from November 30 - December 2, 2011, at the Hotel InterContinental in Berlin.