
Конференција Остало Шпанија Септембар 2023

11 events

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the academic and industry researchers in the Computational Intelligence, Information Security, and Data Mining communities, CISIS aims to provide a platform for discussing intelligent and adaptable behavior in complex systems.
Eighth International Conference on Communication & Media Studies, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain (September 06 - 08, 2023). Founded in 2015, the Communication & Media Studies Research Network offers an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of the role of the media and communications in society. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries. As a Research Network, we are defined by our scope and concerns and motivated to build strategies for action framed by our shared themes and tensions.
The FISITA World Mobility Summit brings together technology leaders from top automotive and mobility brands annually. EuroBrake, organized by FISITA, supports the advancement of technological development in the automotive and mobility systems sector. We promote excellence in mobility engineering and the development of safe, sustainable, and affordable mobility solutions. Mobility is a basic right for every human, but the increasing need for it has irreversible consequences on the environment. Companies in the mobility industry must provide more mobility while minimizing impact on climate, biodiversity, health, and safety. Michelin, committed to sustainable mobility, embraces this challenge as an opportunity to showcase our technological leadership and innovation.
OpenSSF Day brings together the open source community to discuss challenges, solutions, work, and successes in securing the OSS supply chain. The full day program includes keynotes, presentations, panels, and fireside chats on security best practices, vulnerability discovery, securing critical projects, and the future of OSS security.
Wholesale World Congress is a comprehensive industry event with participants from various sectors of the Wholesale Telecom Industry. To ensure attendee safety during the pandemic, we have implemented health and safety measures including face masks, social distancing, temperature checks, and enhanced hygiene protocols.
The European Veterinary Internal Medicine - Companion Animals Annual Congress seeks to elevate the standards of companion animal internal medicine in Europe and establish a globally recognized specialist title. Its goal is to promote the progress of companion animal internal medicine and enhance the expertise of practitioners.