
Online Индустријска опрема, Алати, Електроника Немачка 2023

14 events

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20–23 феб 2023
METAV Duesseldorf - International Fair for Manufacturing Technology and Automation A known number to European customers and manufacturers of the metalworking sector! The expert world will gather again at METAV in Duesseldorf to get informed on the latest on the whole range of production developments and solutions. Germany's leading trade fair for manufacturing and automation covers the entire scope of machine tools, precision tools, automation components, and systems. Standard machine solutions for series production are displayed as well as customised machines for specific challenges. At the same time as METAV, the international trade fairs wire and Tube are taking place at the Düsseldorf fair premises. Exhibitors and visitors alike can make use of the positive synergy effect offered by the simultaneous hosting of three fairs with similar customer and visitor groups: metalworking technology presented to an even greater extent! Participating in METAV, a must for you too!   Metalworking Metal Processing Machine Tools Sheet Metal Processing Tools Precision Tools Production Lines Flexible Production Factory Automation Manipulation Engineering Industrial Robots Assembly Engineering CAD/CAM CAE
Meet from 07 - 09.02.2012 provider of EMC equipment, components and services from around the world. The event offers a broad range of EMC-specific offer. The perfect platform to inform and exchange - you'll find customized solutions in exhibition and workshops.
A key factor in countless production processes, compressed air and vacuum technology is a high-growth market. At "ComVac", the world's largest trade show for this sector of industry, you can capitalize on the economic boom in China, the new EU member states and elsewhere. "ComVac" is the ideal marketing tool for products, services and strategies. Exhibitors will also benefit from the synergies generated by the neighbouring trade shows "SurfaceTechnology", "MicroTechnology" and "MDA", as well as the ten other flagship shows under the umbrella of HANNOVER MESSE.
Printed Electronics Europe is aimed at potential users of the technology that wish to learn and see new products and how they can be used in their business. The technology is of vital interest to industries as diverse as chemicals, consumer goods, healthcare, military, electronics, advertising and publishing. It is allowing electronics to be used in places it has never been before, and offers new exciting form factors. This event, the World's largest on the topic and growing rapidly every year, is your information and networking hub on the topic, with an international tradeshow of more than 100 exhibitors. It is the meeting place for users, suppliers, academics and investors.
Die Messe Inter Brush Freiburg ist eine internationale Fachmesse für Maschinen, Material und Zubehör der Bürsten-, Pinsel-, Farbroller- und Mopindustrie. Rund 180 Aussteller präsentieren auf der Inter Brush Messe Freiburg aktuelle Technologien, Halbfertigprodukte, sowie Rohstoffe für die gesamte Bürsten- und Pinselbranche. Das Anegbotsspektrum umfasst dabei Produktions-, Verpackungs-, Schneide-, Spritzguss- und Etikettiermaschinen, Bürsten, Pinsel, Farbroller und Mops, sowie Halbfertigerzeugnisse und Rohstoffe wie Bürsten- und Pinselkörper und Pinselhaare. Darüber hinaus können auf der Inter Brush Freiburg Messe zahlreiche Maschinen, die Bürsten und Pinsel aller Art herstellen in kompletten Produktionsstraßen begutachtet werden.
Additive manufacturing processes are becoming a basic tool for more and more industries. The Rapid.Tech trade fair in Erfurt also profited from this in 2010 with 1,100 visitors and conference participants as well as 57 exhibitors. This focused, established trade fair is presenting the world of additive manufacturing again with all its possibilities from 24th to 25th May 2011: from the manufacturing of prototypes to the direct production of end products and their components. Direct generative manufacturing is the main focus as the manufacturing process with the greatest potential. There is no better forum for machinery developers, design engineers and users for a quick, practical and industry wide exchange of knowledge.
The CONTROL fulfils a leadership function. As the world’s only trade fair which focuses strictly on quality assurance, it presents the entire spectrum of products, systems and complete solutions for efficient, effective quality assurance. Innovative companies prefer to exhibit their new products at CONTROL for the first time, because international expert visitors attend the event in order to gather information about worldwide offerings and how to exploit them in actual practice as quickly as possible.   Measuring technology: Mechanical measuring instruments, CNC machines, special purpose measuring systems, components and accessories Material testing: Machines for testing tensile strenght, torsion, pressure and bending resistance, apparatus for non-destructive material testing Analysis apparatus: Components and systems for water, air, gas and material analysis, layer thickness measurement Optoelectronics: Sensors, fibre optics technology, industrial image processing, optoelectronic measurement Quality Assurance Sytsems: Process control, automation systems, QA data processing, documentation, identification Organization: Management consultants, services, publishers, hard- and software
09–11 мај 2023
International Trade Fair for Sensorics, Measuring and Testing Technologies with concurrent Conferences.  
09–11 мај 2023
PCIM is Europe's leading meeting-point for experts out of the areas Power Electronics and its applications in Intelligent Motion and Power Quality. From latest developments of power semiconductors, passive components, products for thermal management, new materials, sensors as well as servo-technology and the wide area of power quality and energy-management - PCIM offers a comprehensive, focused and compact presentation of products all under one roof.
09–11 мај 2023
Traditionally the SMT/HYBRID/PACKAGING forms the ideal platform for the industry's leading companies. Among other things the show presents the latest trends and developments as well as up-to-date solutions. With foreign companies accounting for 33% of the exhibitors, the event offers not only a wide, but also an international spectrum. And you too, can benefit from the success of this well-established event! The highly qualified audience from over 50 countries rated the exhibition extremely positively. From design and development to PCB production, components, packaging and test systems - SMT/HYBRID/PACKAGING offers a comprehensive and compact presentation of products all under one roof!   Modern production Electronic systems Design and development Components PCB Test systems Packaging and basis materials Machinery Apparatus Automobile engineering Information and communication technology Advanced Packaging ASICs Automatic placement machines BGAs Board Design CAE FPGAs Hybrids Soldering MCM PCBs Test Screen printing SMD / SMT Test equipment Materials
The ZELLCHEMING-Expo is the leading annual event of the pulp and paper industry in Europe. The exhibition takes place in parallel to the ZELLCHEMING General Meeting.It is the central meeting point for leaders and experts from industry, research and development for the exchange of experiences and networking. With its wide exhibition range, the ZELLCHEMING-Expo displays current highlights of the complete process chain: from product development and production to service and consulting. Top-class lectures, sideshows, special events and a social program complete this event and give it an outstanding character appreciated by both visitors and exhibitors. The ZELLCHEMING-Expo and its concept offers an ideal platform for innovation and communication: providing technology experiences, supporting business contacts and due to its international character offering participants an excellent opportunity for successful positioning in the global market.
CWIEME Berlin 2012 - The world’s largest coil winding trade show in the world. In just fifteen  years this exhibition has become the largest exhibition of its type in the world with 629 participating companies from 40 countries - a growth rate of over 6.5% in the last year and over 875% since 1996. Visit the largest display of coil winding, electrical manufacturing equipment and electrical insulations materials under one roof in the world. See the very latest machines, products, services and equipment from world renown manufacturers.
27–30 јун 2023
International trade fair for assembly and handling technology, robotics, machine vision and associated components. AUTOMATICA is an international marketplace, which brings together supply and demand at one spot. It can only then solidify and expand its leading position as trade fair of trends showing the way to the future in competing with other fairs. 
28–30 нов 2023
The SPS / IPC / DRIVES is Europe's leading trade exhibition for electric automation. Meet in 2012 automation suppliers from around the world in Nuremberg. Find out more about products, innovations and trends in the industry. Fair and Congress will provide the perfect platform to find the right solutions for your automation tasks.