
Сајам Virginia beach, Сједињене Америчке Државе 2023

6 events

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The Ag Expo, the biggest agricultural field day in Virginia, is an anticipated yearly event for farmers and agribusiness. Participants can join the field tour to interact with experts and enhance profits.
Holly Anderson is an Illinois medical cannabis patient and Senior Administrator for "Medical Cannabis Recipes". Sundarajan Mutialu is the Chief Technology Officer and Co-CEO of AZENTIVE, a company supporting the delivery of pure, organic cannabis. Aaron was recognized as one of the top lawyers in the cannabis industry. JohnsByrne Company is a leader in print and packaging, partnering with major brands in various industries.
Join us for Neptune's Senior Gala, featuring big band sounds, delicious food, and a visit from the King himself. Tickets are $15/person and reservations must be made in advance. Call (757) 498 0215 to reserve your spot. Don't miss this unforgettable night out with Neptune!
Internatioanl trade exhibition for naval aviators."The NAS Oceana Air Show is an opportunity to show appreciation to military families and the community. Visitors can experience flight and meet naval aviation personnel. NAS Oceana has provided support for Navy and Joint operating forces for 80 years, representing a strategic resource within America's Navy. The team is dedicated to supporting sailors and their families, as well as neighboring communities.
The Virginia Beach Gun Show showcases various items such as new and used guns, knives, military relics, home defense products, books, clothing, and gun accessories.
Оглашавање, маркетинг, штампа Пољопривреда Архитектура Лепота, мода, одећа, козметика Бизнис, финансије, банкарство Култура, Уметност Дизајн, поклони, намештај Електроника, Електрични производи Храна, пиће, паковање Здравство, Апотека Хоби, занати Хотели, ресторани, угоститељство ИТ, Е-трговина Накит, луксузна роба Деца, играчке Филмови, позориште, ТВ Музика, плес Остало Лични развој, психологија Некретнине, инвестиције Сигурност Наука, образовање, проналасци Друштво, Политика Транспорт, Логистика Путовања, забава, слободно време, спорт Хемијска индустрија, пластика и гума Сајмови потрошача Уштеда енергије, заштита животне средине, екологија, пречишћавање, коришћење Индустрија догађаја Индустријска опрема, Алати, Електроника Makineri, Metalurgji, Përpunimi i Metaleve, Saldimi Мултисекторски догађаји Нафта, гас, рударство Онлине сајмови Снага, енергетика Главни догађаји