
Конференція Охорона здоров'я, фармацевтика Австралія Липень 2023

8 заходів




Digital Health strategies can help improve the availability and accessibility of healthcare services and products for all Australians. Since the Covid-19 pandemic there has been significant investment in health technologies such as telehealth, electronic health records and wearables. Digital Health Summit will bring together senior digital leaders from healthcare organisations, PHN's, Hospitals and health insurance companies to discuss digital healthcare transformation initiatives. The conversation will also focus on designing new models of virtual care to improve patient centricity when it comes to remote care in regional & rural areas. Furthermore, leaders will also provide an overview on data, insights and analytics within the industry and share their strategies in relation to transforming the patient experience through technology, improving data integrity and interoperability, while upskilling digital literacy for both clinicians and patients.
The Festival of Nursing – it's a national nursing conference, SUPERCHARGED!
PSA organizes significant conferences and events at different levels. Attend the Annual Therapeutic Updates (ATUs) to rejuvenate your career and network with colleagues while staying updated on pharmacy practice.
The Scientific Committee invites you to attend the ACRA Annual Scientific Meeting at the Rendezvous Hotel Perth Scarborough, Western Australia. The conference theme is "Waves of Change, Oceans of Opportunity" and will focus on new and innovative cardiovascular care.
Bio Connections Australia aims to unite a range of biotech, pharma, and medtech companies, investors, research organizations, and trial networks to drive translation, drug development, and the commercialization of Australian scientific advances.