
Онлайн Бізнес, фінанси, банки 2022

23 заходів






02–04 верес. 2022
BalPEx - residential property exhibition will take place from 12th to 18th May at The Mall, Sofia, 34. The event aims to increase the information and to mobilise the potential end-customers towards new opportunities to buy a house at a reasonable price and to find financing at good conditions, by presenting a selection of the most active projects on the market and the most attractive mortgage loan offers.
Make a date in your diary. These awards are the single largest gathering and a veritable 'who's who' of the corporate pensions industry in the UK. Make a date in your diary. The 14th annual UK Pensions Awards – the single largest gathering of the corporate pensions industry in the UK, will take place at London’s Grosvenor House Hotel on Thursday 5th May. The 2010 gala dinner, which was hosted by top TV comedian Jason Manford was attended by more than 1,200 guests, a veritable ‘who’s who’ of the occupational pensions industry. The 2011 awards night will open with a champagne reception and include a dinner in the Grosvenor’s magnificent Great Room where the awards ceremony will be held. Video walls will feature the winners as they are picked out by spotlights and make their way to the stage to receive their awards. The entry process has now closed. We would like to thank everyone who entered and wish all those on the shortlist good luck.
23–25 верес. 2022
Builders, developers, funding agencies, real estate agents. Any professional sector mobilizes and comes together to offer a complete turn of the real estate market. (On presentation of proof: Students, coach of wheelchair bound, disabled, and TTI Alices member upon presentation of the individual card. Upon presentation of a transport ticket validated TAG within the hour.) Free (on presentation of proof) Children up to 15 years, journalist on presentation of a press card, 80% disabled person, disabled person in a wheelchair. Every day for 60 + years
29–30 верес. 2022
PATRIMONIA IS THE ANNUAL MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL ASSET MANAGEMENT. Nearly 4,000 participants, advisors independent financial, banking networks and employees insurance, accountants, lawyers, notaries, brokers specializing in life insurance, general agents, financial intermediaries ... go there making this agreement a center of trade and the "high point" year of the profession. Unique in its concept and its reputation, Patrimonia is supported by leading professional associations and recognized under the education requirements. Patrimonia allows the different actors of the financial exchange experiences, establish new partnerships and update their knowledge on legal, fiscal, financial and property benefiting from lighting experts and personalities renown.
07–09 жовт. 2022
After the success of the sixth edition of the Real Estate NICE MORNING in 2012, the Group will achieve the NICE MORNING sixth edition, in collaboration with NICEXPO as logistics operator, the 23-24 and March 25, 2012. Building on lessons learned, we will make every effort to make this event continues to be the place to be providers of real estate and visitors wishing to conduct operations as part of this show.
The Property Investor Show is the ideal place for obtaining reliable and up to date property market information. Access to accurate information is critical to successful investing and, with over 250 exhibitors and 100 seminars to assist, you can identify the expert help and advice you need to make the right decisions.
07–09 жовт. 2022
Buy, sell, build, lease, manage, finance now, you can pre-register by clicking the link on the right Sign Professinnels conferences will be held on Friday, 23 to 16h: Sell or buy a property with the Observatory Real Estate by Frederick Gard GARNIER 2:30 p.m.: Make build his house: user manual presented by Union of French Houses Languedoc Roussillon 17.00: Pass a good tax exemption, the rules to be followed by Mr. Brault
12–14 жовт. 2022
We thank all participants, all stakeholders and members of the association Reavie, and partners of the Congress that made the success of this 22nd edition of Reavie, punctuated by discussions of the highest quality. The 22nd edition of Reavie promised to be a great edition. It's done! The discussions at the conference workshops and 17 plenary, as well as informal exchanges good for business, took place in an atmosphere always very friendly and relatively calm, despite a troubled economic and financial conditions. This year the event attracted some 680 delegates, including many newcomers delighted to discover the richness of this great annual event of the insurance and reinsurance and life of people. The Argus Argus Insurance and TV were on hand and invite you to discover below are some highlights of Reavie 2011.
12–13 жовт. 2022
Appointments between exhibitors and project innovation: Optimal quality: • Identification of projects and complete the double validation method ensures a total match between the skills needs of exhibitors and visitors with innovation projects. • The exchange of information prior guarantees only meetings between professionals identified and motivated. • 35% of additional appointments are held on site between visitors and exhibitors. Also by appointment between visitors with innovation projects: Identifying new opportunities: • In addition to meetings with the exhibitors, the holders of innovation projects access to the profiles of other visitors through cross-appointments of technological or industrial partnerships. • In 2010, almost 500 companies have thus encountered in a space dedicated to rendezvous between project innovation. A validated quality of participation: By adhering to your selection criteria, and adapting your schedule based on the number of appointments you have chosen, we guarantee the profitability of your participation.
15–16 жовт. 2022
21 th edition of the Salon de l'Immobilier de Lorient held from 19 to 21 October 2012 at the Congress with Britain Architecture Prize in 2012. The opportunity to think or realize its building plan. 43 exhibitors representing professional actors of the market (in the new or the old) will be present to inform you on everything related to the transaction, construction, promotion, urban planning, architecture, and the board and funding. So we give you the appointment: * Friday, October 19th from 14h to 18h * Saturday, October 20th from 10 am to 19 pm * Sunday, Oct. 21, 10 am to 18 pm ORGANIZATION: SEGEPEX - PALACE OF CONGRESS Contact: Gwen Roudot - tel: 02 97 84 94 94 - Email: gr@pdc-lorient.com * PRICE: € 2 (free for under 12) * PRACTICE: - Onsite Follow all the news of the convention center line: Facebook congress Lorient
18 жовт. 2022
Biennial of the economy and coastal development, coastal European living room is the meeting place for design professionals, equipment, technology and services related to the coastal economy. Presentation of the latest technologies and processes the most advanced in the area of ​​the coast: remediation water, solutions against erosion, anchors, offices, sanitation, flooring, waste management, port facilities, antifouling , geotextile, education, law, publishing ...
20–21 жовт. 2022
Gewinn Messe is the most important financial fair in Europe, optimal overview over the range of financial services, made to measure investment offers, extensive range of talks, presentations and seminars with top experts. Most important financial fair in Europe. Business owners, Start-up businesses, Potential franchisees, Private individuals interested in financial issues are the target visitors. Banks and building Stock exchanges Financial and economic information services Financial consulting Leasing Franchise Real estate Internet services Investment funds Investor relations Online trading Old age pension schemes Legal and tax advice Telecommunication Trust, savings and investment management Insurance
Networks with 1470 and 58,000 franchisees, the franchise has been a real essort in 75. Designers who undertake duty are more likely to succeed since it is observed a success rate of 90% after 5 years of activity. Lyon Chamber of Commerce is organizing on October 18 and for the fourth consecutive year, the FRANCHISE FORUM 2012, in partnership with the French Franchise Federation, Banque Populaire Loire, Lyonnais, EOVI Mutual, FIDUCIAL and the Observatoire de la Franchise. You are entrepreneur, business owner and want to become a franchisee, you can: Meet over 40 franchise stores Attend lectures given by experts of the franchise
20–22 жовт. 2022
Kenya  Homes Expo is the biggest homes show in east and central africa, with over 100 exhibitors and overwhelming no of more than 20,000  visitors each exhibition.exhibitors range from real estate developments, interior designers,building and support,morgage and bank institution,home product development.
The fair represents the central meeting point for independent brokers and decision makers in the branch. The event is focussed on                                                                               product presentations and introductions forums, lectures and workshops B2B discussions Financing Insurance Investments Services
The World MoneyShows empower and educate investors, active traders, and financial advisors around the world. With annual events in four countries, these shows bring globally-focused expert insights specific to your interests. Discover stock picks and investing recommendations for profit and safety; Get cutting-edge trading strategies and techniques to stay ahead of the curve; Plus test-drive products and services from leading global companies-all under one roof!
The Fair Exchange Hamburg is Germany's largest trading as a one-day financial fair. Over 100 exhibitors present on the Hamburg Stock Exchange with its products and services around the themes of investment, finance and stock markets. This benefit private investors directly on the trading floor from a variety of high quality information. About 80 lectures by renowned speakers on current financial topics complement the information offered by the Financial Services Exchange Hamburg.
13 листоп. 2022
Franchising & Business Opportunities Expo. The key word in our name is ‘Opportunities’. At Franchising & Business Opportunities you’ll discover a world of information and experts showcasing Australian and international franchising and business ideas. Automotive  Mobile and home based businesses Food and drink  Business and Financial services Restaurants Retail Telecommunications Printing Packaging and delivery services Health and beauty  Home/pool/garden services  Domestic and Commercial Services Consultants, associations and government departments Vending
The Global Connect, the forum for international contacts and investments was held from 26 to 27 October for the second time in the ICS International Congress Center Stuttgart instead, and could the expectations of exhibitors and visitors meet in full. The complex event, which presented itself this year even more balanced, recorded about 2,800 visitors, and its position as the most important German platform for the issue of foreign trade clearly confirmed. Visitors from the export department and management level of German companies met in the event modules to 159 exhibitors and exchanged views with leading experts on the topic "Export".
Concept and positioning Gather in one place, the entire chain of professionals to enable consumers to have a quasi exhaustive market. Create a brand identity linked to an original staging favorable to trade quality. Clearly dissociate the many worlds of real estate and housing to meet the expectations of various types of visitors by creating various divisions: Real estate and construction financing tips and Habitat interior decoration and Landscaping Energy Environment Protection and Focus on environmental quality in the building, theme set in the heart of the concerns of visitors today, with a cluster environment: new energy, environmental material selection, water treatment ...
24 листоп. 2022
the Salon des Entrepreneurs Nantes Grand West has said in its first edition as the great annual gathering of creators and business leaders in western 75. Nearly a year after its launch, a first assessment will be made on the new regime of self-contractor at the Salon des Entrepreneurs Nantes Grand West: how to declare entrepreneur? How effectively the plan? What are the patterns and aspirations of self-entrepreneurs? The benefits of this status? Pitfalls to avoid?
organize in 1996 the German stock exchange and the KfW banking group twice a year, the German Equity Forum, Europe's established and successful event for equity financing. Core of the Fall Forum are the trade fair and the presentations of capital seeking companies and financial intermediaries. They present their activities and products and provide an outlook on expected business performance. Companies have the opportunity to speak with booths for an investment and establish useful contacts and presentations in their company to a broad group of investors. Already companies listed in Prime Standard will have the opportunity to present at the forum their latest financial figures. An attractive conference and seminar program on current industry trends, workshops, plenary lectures and discussions on the subject of equity for the middle class to accompany the presentations. A total of 5,000 participants are expected.
29 листоп. — 01 груд. 2022
MAPIC is the leading market for the growing international retail real estate industry. It attracts key players – from investors and retailers through to shopping centres and cities – creating a unique community in one place at one time. MAPIC provides an exclusive platform for companies to showcase concepts and developments, discover new trends and expand into the international arena.