
Виставка та експо Інше Італія 2023

19 заходів




07 верес. 2023
The calendar is regularly updated by the exhibition venues and event organizers, and you can find the latest information on their websites or by contacting them directly. Visit the exhibition website for more details and updates.
08 верес. 2023
VO'Clock Privé is a new watchmaking event located in Vicenza, featuring the most sought-after brands, specialized press, and enthusiasts. The event offers technical courses and talks with authoritative community members. It's a single place to discover and admire iconic pieces and novelties.
08 верес. 2023
Imola Mostra Scambio organized by Crame (Club Romagnolo Auto e Moto d'Epoca), one of the most important European events for collectors of vintage cars, motorcycles and bicycles. Over 2,000 exhibitors and more than ten thousand fans come to Imola during the three days of the event.
10 верес. 2023
The calendar is regularly updated on exhibition websites or by request from organizers. Visit the exhibition website for the latest updates and detailed information.
25 верес. 2023
International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings"CERSAIE is a leading global event for surface coverings and bathroom designers. With international attendees, it showcases ceramic surfaces, wood floors, wallpaper, and bathroom furnishings.
14 жовт. 2023
The calendar is regularly updated with information from exhibition venues and events. Visit the exhibition website for the most up-to-date information and details.
07 листоп. 2023
International Exhibition for the Automobiles Sector"EICMA is a major event for the 2-wheeler industry and serves as ANCMA's main marketing tool. It caters to both businesses and consumers, featuring product innovations, press conferences, workshops, and MotoLive outdoor showcases.