Виставка Сільське господарство Centreville Fair 2023

01 вересень 2023 - 01 вересень 2023
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Про подію
The Family Fun Zone opens on Friday at 4:00pm. Horse Races start around 6:30pm. Don't miss this event! Admission is $10 for ages 13 and older. Children 12 and under pay $6 for a bracelet on Friday and Saturday, giving them unlimited access to Bouncy Castles and games. The fair, originally called the "Camden Fair," started in 1853 as a trading center in Centreville, Ontario. It received a grant of 29 lbs, 7 shillings.
Місце проведення
Адреса: Centreville Fairgrounds, Sudbury, Канада
Місце проведення
Centreville Fairgrounds, Sudbury, Canada