Конференція Інше International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things 2023

11 серпень 2023 - 11 серпень 2023
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Про подію
The rapid advancement and ubiquitous penetration of mobile network, web based information creation and sharing, and software defined networking technology have been enabling sensing, predicting and controlling of physical world with information technology. Every business process can be empowered, and therefore, various industries redesign their business models and processes along Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. The main purpose of BDIOT2023 is to provide an international platform for presenting and publishing the latest scientific research outcomes related to the topics of Big Data and Internet of Things.
Місце проведення
Адреса: North China University of Technology, Пекін, Китай
Місце проведення
North China University of Technology, Beijing, China